Tag Archives: parents-ought

13 Parents Who F–kin’ HATE the Elf on the G–damn Shelf

Christmas is a time for decorating trees, buying presents and spending time with family. And also for taking to social media in order to rail against the horror that is the Elf on the Shelf. That's the case for the handful of parents featured below, however, each of whom has held very little back when it comes to their feelings for this tradition. Ready to see what we mean? 1. This is Not a Required Tradition Please remember this, parents everywhere. 2. This Isn’t a Joke We mean, it is. But that dude is scary! He could come to life at any minute! 3. You’ve Made Me Into a Liar, Elf! I hope you’re proud of yourself. 4. I Can Only Handle One of You Creatures at a Time Please take it easy on me. 5. Elf on the Shelf? Please. This is what all mothers and parents ought to make into a tradition. 6. It’s Not Even a Tradition It becomes a lifestyle. And it’s terrible. View Slideshow

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13 Parents Who F–kin’ HATE the Elf on the G–damn Shelf