It’s back to school time, so that mean time for your kids to get new clothes, right? The clothing selection of parents today is…
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Hilarious Back To School Clothes Stories! [EXCLUSIVE AUDIO]
It’s back to school time, so that mean time for your kids to get new clothes, right? The clothing selection of parents today is…
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Hilarious Back To School Clothes Stories! [EXCLUSIVE AUDIO]
Posted in Celebrities, Gossip, Hollywood, Music
Tagged clothes, clothing-selection, get-new, Hollywood, hulk hogan, parents-today, roddy, school-time, stars, your-kids
Strollers are for savages who want to chop their babies’ fingers off. Trendy parents today are all about the body-hugging baby slings. Which do something much worse. The NYT reports that parents in the global epicenter of parenting excellence ( Park Slope ) are now all about “baby carriers” rather than strollers, because that’s what babies allegedly want, allegedly? “All the dads are wearing it,” reports one lady, emasculatingly. Yea, baby carriers, pretty cool and all, hmm, oh yea, only other thing is to just remember that they will SMOTHER YOUR LITTLE BABY TO DEATH and all. Unless you go for this one, which probably has…other effects. [Pic: Flickr ]
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Park Slope Parents All Want to Smother Their Babies [Trendwatch]
Posted in Celebrities, Hot Stuff
Tagged Babies, danger, effects, kids these days, parenting, parents-today, pretty-cool, reports-one, trendwatch