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Lindsay Lohan: Drunk and Drugging On Instagram?

Anyone who knows Lindsay Lohan figured a relapse was in her near future after her reality show was canceled by Oprah . What’s surprising fans, however, is how soon Lindsay went back to the bottle as well her total lack of concern for who knows that she’s partying again. Lindsay Lohan Partying Photos Open Slideshow 1. Lindsay Lohan: Cocaine Nose? Some Instagram users have suggested that Lindsay has visible cocaine in her nostril here. Sadly, we wouldn’t be surprised. View As List 1. Lindsay Lohan: Cocaine Nose? Some Instagram users have suggested that Lindsay has visible cocaine in her nostril here. Sadly, we wouldn’t be surprised. 2. Lindsay Lohan Partying Photo Lindsay getting ready to step out. Fans have noticed the actress appears glassy-eyed and pale. 3. Lindsay Lohan Drunk in the Club? Lindsay appears to be drunk here. Instagram users have pointed out the cocktail glass near her hand. 4. Lindsay Lohan Snoop Dogg Photo Lindsay partying with Snoop after Coachella. What are the chances they didn’t smoke weed? 5. Lindsay Lohan on Drugs? Fans claim Lindsay looks high as a kite here. Yeah, that’s kinda hard to argue against. Lindsay still lies about her drinking  when she’s sitting down for a TV interview, but she seems to have no qualms about exposing her own hard-partying lifestyle online. Some of her Instagram followers have become fed up with Lohan’s double life and they’ve taken to calling Lindsay out for pics in which she’s clearly under the influence. “Thanks for being a disappointment to those of us continuing in our road to sobriety,” wrote one user under a photo in which Lohan was posed near a highball glass with a glassy look in her eyes. “Hope the next bottom is isn’t the end of the road for ya.” Other fans got even more specific in their indictments. Several zeroed in on a photo in which Lindsay had her held tilted back and commented that they could see cocaine in her nose.  While none of the pictures offer any hard evidence, Lindsay does appear inebriated in several posts, and at the very least she seems a bit too comfortable hanging out at boozy gatherings for someone who’s so fresh from rehab. It was fans who blew her in after Lindsay got drunk at Coachella at now it seems they’re exposing her again on Instagram. Check out the gallery above for the evidence against Lindsay and tell us what you think: Is Lindsay Lohan drinking and using drugs again?   Nah! She just likes to go out! Yes! Look at her eyes! Who cares? Why is she still famous? View Poll »

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Lindsay Lohan: Drunk and Drugging On Instagram?