Tag Archives: paying-bills

BOSSIP Exclusive: Allen & Tawanna Iverson Sued For $20K In House Bills!

Ex-Couple Sued For Not Paying Bills On House Allen Iverson and ex-wife Tawanna have skipped town and let the bills pile up on their suburban Atlanta mansion. That’s according to the Country Club of the South, a homeowner’s association that’s suing Allen and Tawanna for nearly $20,000 in unpaid home bills. The debt stems from monthly charges that the ex-couple is billed to maintain their upscale development in Alpharetta, Ga. The association has already filed a lien against the property. The association said it tried to resolve the Iverson’s debt out of court, and gave them 30 days to pay it back in September, but the bills, now totaling $18,550, are still outstanding.

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BOSSIP Exclusive: Allen & Tawanna Iverson Sued For $20K In House Bills!