Tag Archives: people-promote

Farrah Abraham: Still Making BANK off Sex Tape She Says Ruined Her Life!

Farrah Abraham’s “sex tape” continues to be the most lucrative thing the Teen Mom star has ever participated in, but Farrah is still pretending the professionally-produced, highly profitable porn is just an amateur sex tape that leaked accidentally. Wire transfer receipts from the end of April show that just last month, Farrah cashed a check for over $100,000 from Vivid Entertainment – the porn company that shot and released Farrah’s film debut: Farrah Superstar: Backdoor Teen Mom . While the film was shockingly shut out at this year’s Academy Awards, it continues to pay off financially for Farrah.  In addition to the six-figure checks, the video helped land Farrah a spot on VH1’s Couples Therapy (where she made up one half of a non-existent couple), and enabled Farrah to write a book called Celebrity   Sex Tape  (the first in a planned trilogy), further exploiting the experience that she says “ruined” her life. Of course, the video may have also gotten Farrah fired from Teen Mom , but that’s a small price to pay to become a living legend, right? ” Farrah Superstar: Backdoor Teen Mom continues to be one of Vivid Celebs’ all-time best sellers,” says Vivid CEO Steve Hirsch. “Not only is she a reality star, but Farrah is one of the greatest porn stars of all time!” High praise, indeed. We’re sure accolades like that will help Farrah sell copies of the Christian parenting book she’s planning to write. Yes, that’s a real thing.  Farrah Abraham Celebrity Sex Tape Photos 1. Celebrity Sex Tape: In the Making Cover Farrah Abraham on the cover of her new book, Celebrity Sex Tape: In The Making.

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Farrah Abraham: Still Making BANK off Sex Tape She Says Ruined Her Life!

Kirk Cameron: Gay Rights Violate Religious Freedom!

It’s well established at this point what Kirk Cameron thinks gay marriage is not just unnatural, but “destructive to so many of the foundations of civilization .” This is a man who is on record saying he would tell a gay child that, “just because you feel one way doesn’t mean we should act on everything we feel.” So it’s no surprise that in a new video for the Alliance Defending Freedom, Kirk seeks to help people he says are shunned for being opposed to same-sex rights: Kirk Cameron – You Can Help Defend Religious Freedom Skip on up to about the 20-minute mark for key takeaway: When people promote gay rights, those people are basically anti-God and/or anti-American. At least according to Cameron’s Alliance. Moreover, if college campuses hold gay pride events, they are “indoctrinating” students against Christian principles, and thus violating the constitution. This, he believes, must be stopped. One could call it ironic that he feels persecuted for what many might consider persecuting others who are actually preaching tolerance … but no matter. Kirk Cameron seems to want to have his Freedom of Speech cake and eat it to, while not sharing any of the cake people whose beliefs he does not agree with. If he takes every opportunity to voice his controversial opinion – however much you support or denounce it – don’t demonstrators for the other side have that right? Just wondering. Celebrities Who Are Anti-Gay and Proud 1. Kirk Cameron Few celebrities are as vocally opposed to same sex marriage as former Growing Pains star Kirk Cameron.

Read this article:
Kirk Cameron: Gay Rights Violate Religious Freedom!