Tag Archives: professionally

Naked Russian Throws Tires Out Window and Other Videos of the Day

Banana Cakes are Embarassing at Office Parties Naked Man at a Music Fest Playing with his Asshole Helium Infused Wine – The Way to Make Your Girl even More Annoying Bull VS Asshole Palestinian Woman – VS Israeli Men – Loses Women Shoots a Guy Trying to Seal a Purse in a Wal Mart Parking Lot Suicidal Woman Gets Roped…and Lives… Black VS White Fight Dad Pranks Kids with Fake Gifts Pregnant Man Faceplant of the Day Fighting Traffic Cops The post Naked Russian Throws Tires Out Window and Other Videos of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Naked Russian Throws Tires Out Window and Other Videos of the Day

Gal Gadot as the New Wonderwoman of the Day

Hey virgin losers…I know you are out there because who the fuck would be reading a site about celebrities no one cares about…and their cleavage…like it’s hot…in a world filled with porn and other websites that have all this bullshit content way sooner because interns at all the other publications are working in teams of 20 for 24 hours a day…waiting for the instagram feed to give them a story…while my site makes 3-7 dollars a day that barely pays for a server….and is just me talkin’ shit…most people don’t understand. But the pics..there are pics..and today’s pic is your new Wonder Woman, a show people in their 40s will remember…and she posted this really revealing pic of her looking more like a Star Wars charcter than a 70s TV leotard you jerked off to…right.. Here’s some more Gal Gadot, because I’ve never posted a pic or story on this bitch..but now, she mattters…once you’re in with the nerds, they commit… She’s pretty fucking hot.. The post Gal Gadot as the New Wonderwoman of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Gal Gadot as the New Wonderwoman of the Day

Miley Cyrus Sucking Fingers in Concert of the Day

I know the American Music Awards were on last night but despite the trending stories on Facebook that I assume they paid Facebook to seed to the world…due to ad dollars depending on it…the real story for me is Miley Cyrus in her new stage performance, that is obviously sexually charged, with strap ons and fake tits that look like real tits…that include her sucking on people’s fingers as they hold out money for her…like some kind of strip club I’ve never been to..but that would be how Disney would portray a Strip Club, sensationalized and dramatic…and not sad…real sad…and medicated…that even when the professionally trained dancer with her Master’s of Dance from some weird dance conservatory…has no soul…but she does grind you for 10 dollars a song…making it all ok… Here are all of Terry’s Pics with Miley – Including Labia and Possibly Asshole – that are All Pretyt Amazing and How I want to see all popstars…. I am loving her hipster skinny small tit bush rockin’ body…this is porn to me…and I guess porn to all the Christians too… The post Miley Cyrus Sucking Fingers in Concert of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Miley Cyrus Sucking Fingers in Concert of the Day

Cara Delevingne Erotica for Allure of the Day

Socialite turned model, possibly because her mom was a big shopper at Chanel and she was the edgy brat in the corner with her crazy little hipster outfit on wearing headphones, totally uninterested in family friend Karl Lagerfeld, Cara Delevingne…manages to look totally dumpy and boylike almost 90 percent of the time…because I guess that’s the hipster fashionista style…all while being the hottest model of the era thanks to people being drone follower idiots who just don’t know how to pave their own way, but rather just know how to jump on trends, like Cara Delevingne, especially the A-Listers she hangs with – as they all are only into her because of how much hype she gets and them being into her – just gets her more hype… But this girl really does take a good pic…she looks hot in almost 90 percent of her professionally shot pics…which should remind celebs everywhere – if you are going to get nude, do it for fashion, with a team and concept – because it’s just nicer to look at than your shitty self shot stuff – save the self shot stuff for the girls I jerk off to from TINDER…you know who don’t have the resources but still like the attention too – cuz they are only human…

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Cara Delevingne Erotica for Allure of the Day

Farrah Abraham: Still Making BANK off Sex Tape She Says Ruined Her Life!

Farrah Abraham’s “sex tape” continues to be the most lucrative thing the Teen Mom star has ever participated in, but Farrah is still pretending the professionally-produced, highly profitable porn is just an amateur sex tape that leaked accidentally. Wire transfer receipts from the end of April show that just last month, Farrah cashed a check for over $100,000 from Vivid Entertainment – the porn company that shot and released Farrah’s film debut: Farrah Superstar: Backdoor Teen Mom . While the film was shockingly shut out at this year’s Academy Awards, it continues to pay off financially for Farrah.  In addition to the six-figure checks, the video helped land Farrah a spot on VH1’s Couples Therapy (where she made up one half of a non-existent couple), and enabled Farrah to write a book called Celebrity   Sex Tape  (the first in a planned trilogy), further exploiting the experience that she says “ruined” her life. Of course, the video may have also gotten Farrah fired from Teen Mom , but that’s a small price to pay to become a living legend, right? ” Farrah Superstar: Backdoor Teen Mom continues to be one of Vivid Celebs’ all-time best sellers,” says Vivid CEO Steve Hirsch. “Not only is she a reality star, but Farrah is one of the greatest porn stars of all time!” High praise, indeed. We’re sure accolades like that will help Farrah sell copies of the Christian parenting book she’s planning to write. Yes, that’s a real thing.  Farrah Abraham Celebrity Sex Tape Photos 1. Celebrity Sex Tape: In the Making Cover Farrah Abraham on the cover of her new book, Celebrity Sex Tape: In The Making.

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Farrah Abraham: Still Making BANK off Sex Tape She Says Ruined Her Life!

Mario Lopez and Courtney Mazza: Expecting Again!

Congratulations are in order for Mario Lopez and Courtney Mazza: they are expecting once again! Said the 39-year old television host in a statement, confirming the news on behalf of his wife: “I am the happiest father in the world. We cannot wait to welcome baby Lopez number two into our lives.” Lopez and Mazza were married in December, about two years after Courtney gave birth to the couple’s daughter, Gia. Professionally, it’s unclear if Mario will return to host The X Factor , although most indications are that he will remain while Khloe Kardashian will be (rightfully) fired. Either way… we send our best wishes to this growing family!

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Mario Lopez and Courtney Mazza: Expecting Again!

The Real Housewives of Atlanta Recap: She Might Be Cray Cray

  The Real Housewives of Atlanta didn’t have to work very hard to “Make an Ass out of a Donkey” since there seems to be enough of both to go around. We recap all the jiggly booties and fishnet suits in this week’s THG +/- review.   Oh, where to begin?      We’ll start with our dueling booty videos.  On the one end you have Kenya who is working out with a trainer to get the product…and her booty just right.  Plus 15.   On the other end you’ve got Phaedra, who seems more interested in the cover art than the workout.  Between Ms. Parks’ tongue hanging out and the way she was hanging all over Apollo I began to wonder if this was a fitness workout or a porn video? Minus 11.     And if Kenya was so sure she was in the right with her Stallion booty video, why was she trying to do damage control with Porsha of all people?   Even their insults were lame.  If ashy feet are the best you can come up with then just shut up and sit back down.  Minus 17.   Checking in with Cynthia I began to wonder if I’m the only one who thinks she gets a little less classy with every episode.   Apparently there wasn’t enough money in modeling to keep the Bailey Agency going so she’s jumping into pageants which she readily admits she knows very little about.  Minus 9.   Cynthia found herself a pageant expert who started talking about the fees she could charge the mothers of 13 year old girls. Entry fees, make up fees, photo fees. The list was almost endless and the charges rang up from $75 to up to $1,200.    You could just see the dollar signs sparkling in Cynthia’s eyes.  And to ensure those dollars stay in her pocket she’s asked Porsha to help.   Minus 20 . What on earth was she thinking? Has Porsha shown a talent for anything but giggling and looking pretty?  It will be such a shock when this partnership falls apart at the seams…not!   But Cynthia showed her true self when she started bashing Phaedra, her supposed friend.  Minus 18 . Yes, they’ve had their issues but Cynthia seemed to take great pleasure in running to Kenya and stirring that pot.     When did NeNe become the classiest Housewife on this show? She’s got an acting coach and a charity shoe event. No one can say she’s not making it happen. Plus 30.   Then Kenya took the charity event on a turn into the bizarre.     After Phaedra wore that fishnet bathing suit on vacation I prayed I’d never have to see it again.  Unfortunately my prayers went unanswered.  Minus 22.   If Kenya wanted people to stop saying she’s cray cray, she really needed to stop acting like it.   How funny was it when Kenya pointed out to Phaedra that she only attacked her professionally, then went on to attack her personally not 30 seconds later?  Plus 10.    I’ve always thought Phaedra was wrong to spread the rumor that Kenya was mentally ill. That’s not something to joke about but Kenya’s behavior does make me wonder if she missed her meds.    Where does all the cray cray leave us?  With Kandi mentioning she’d like to sing gospel.  Maybe she can hook that up to her musical vibrators at Bedroom Kandi. Just saying.   Episode total = -42!                                  Season total = -125!

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The Real Housewives of Atlanta Recap: She Might Be Cray Cray

Justin Bieber ‘Remarkable’ On ‘We Are The World,’ Director Says

‘The quality of that voice is remarkable for a kid his age,’ Paul Haggis says. By Jocelyn Vena, with reporting by Eric Ditzian Justin Bieber at the “We Are The World 25 For Haiti” recording session in Hollywood on February 1 Photo: Kevin Mazur/ WireImage While the “We Are the World” shoot may have had some “chaos” here and there, the video’s director, Paul Haggis, says that he was surprised less by the hectic nature of the shoot than by the incredible talent brought to the table by none other than Justin Bieber . “I thought he was … fascinating because he has a really good voice,” Haggis told MTV News on Thursday when asked about having the pop superstar join the celebrity-filled ranks for the 25th anniversary recording of the classic charity tune. He jokingly added, “I gave him some advice that I thought he should start doing this professionally. The kid has a career, don’t you think?” All joking aside, Haggis explains that he was taken aback by how truly talented Bieber is. “No, he was remarkable. This kid comes in that I don’t really know. … I knew the name, and he opened his mouth, and my god the quality of that voice is remarkable for a kid his age,” the “Crash” director said. “And the presence he has and the confidence.” Haggis adds that it wasn’t just Bieber whose vocal chops left an impression on him. “That was the great thing of working with these people,” he said. “These are artists of the highest quality and caliber. When they’re all coming together to sing this kind of song, you don’t expect Lil Wayne to be singing like that or even Tony Bennett to be singing like that. So it was wonderful how people morphed together.” Related Videos Behind The Scenes Of ‘We Are The World’ Related Photos ‘We Are The World 25 For Haiti’ Recording Session Related Artists Justin Bieber

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Justin Bieber ‘Remarkable’ On ‘We Are The World,’ Director Says

Angelina Jolie Cheating Rumor Debunked; Tabloid Stands By Made-Up Story

Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt are involved in drama every week – at least on the cover of tabloids.

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Angelina Jolie Cheating Rumor Debunked; Tabloid Stands By Made-Up Story

Erin Andrews: Peeping Tom Video a "Nightmare"

In an emotional interview with Oprah Winfrey, Erin Andrews described the leaked hotel video of her nude as a nightmare she felt would end her professionally. Naked tapes aren’t really career killers nowadays – on the contrary, right, Kim Kardashian ?

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Erin Andrews: Peeping Tom Video a "Nightmare"