Tag Archives: drone-follower

Carolina Cruz in a Cheesy Swimsuit Catalog Shoot of the Day

I would say that 95 percent of the time I see a lingerie or swimsuit catalog shoot, no matter who the model is, the pictures are cheesy as fuck…. Now I don’t know who Carolina Cruz is, but I’ll assume not related to Penelope Cruz, and I don’t care how hot she looks in a bikini…and I don’t know who the swim company is, and I don’t care how much they spent on this..I just know that there’s nothing hot, interesting, or even good about these pics…even with the half naked girl in it… They remind me of some cheesy flea market pervert with a camera luring girls for glamour shots because it’s his weirdo fetish..only those flea market pics would have probably been better concept..because perverts, even talentless perverts, who produce shitty pervert photos, with no real vision or talent – can do better than this…I know because I am one of those guys…but my iPhone always throws off my fake studio set up…come it was a free upgrade…baby…who needs real cameras…it’s the instagram era…

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Carolina Cruz in a Cheesy Swimsuit Catalog Shoot of the Day

Alicia Keys Naked and Pregnant of the Day

Want to know something that I’ve never ever wanted to see in the history of my existence…I’m talking not in 2001 when her big song made her a breakout star…and not now… Alicia Keys nude, pregnant or not, promoting anything… If anything, she’s the kind of girl who might as well not be a girl to me…and I don’t know why – I am sure she’s sweet, and lovely, like all these rich and famous people with staff and handlers are…and I am sure someone out there finds her hot…but for me…someone who will look at anyone naked…and I mean anyone…I mean you should see some of the girls I have gone down on, you’d throw up…but for some reason…a reason beyond pregnancy..this does nothing to me…and I guess that’s why I am compelled to post it…

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Alicia Keys Naked and Pregnant of the Day

Cara Delevingne Erotica for Allure of the Day

Socialite turned model, possibly because her mom was a big shopper at Chanel and she was the edgy brat in the corner with her crazy little hipster outfit on wearing headphones, totally uninterested in family friend Karl Lagerfeld, Cara Delevingne…manages to look totally dumpy and boylike almost 90 percent of the time…because I guess that’s the hipster fashionista style…all while being the hottest model of the era thanks to people being drone follower idiots who just don’t know how to pave their own way, but rather just know how to jump on trends, like Cara Delevingne, especially the A-Listers she hangs with – as they all are only into her because of how much hype she gets and them being into her – just gets her more hype… But this girl really does take a good pic…she looks hot in almost 90 percent of her professionally shot pics…which should remind celebs everywhere – if you are going to get nude, do it for fashion, with a team and concept – because it’s just nicer to look at than your shitty self shot stuff – save the self shot stuff for the girls I jerk off to from TINDER…you know who don’t have the resources but still like the attention too – cuz they are only human…

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Cara Delevingne Erotica for Allure of the Day

Cara Delevingne Erotica for Allure of the Day

Socialite turned model, possibly because her mom was a big shopper at Chanel and she was the edgy brat in the corner with her crazy little hipster outfit on wearing headphones, totally uninterested in family friend Karl Lagerfeld, Cara Delevingne…manages to look totally dumpy and boylike almost 90 percent of the time…because I guess that’s the hipster fashionista style…all while being the hottest model of the era thanks to people being drone follower idiots who just don’t know how to pave their own way, but rather just know how to jump on trends, like Cara Delevingne, especially the A-Listers she hangs with – as they all are only into her because of how much hype she gets and them being into her – just gets her more hype… But this girl really does take a good pic…she looks hot in almost 90 percent of her professionally shot pics…which should remind celebs everywhere – if you are going to get nude, do it for fashion, with a team and concept – because it’s just nicer to look at than your shitty self shot stuff – save the self shot stuff for the girls I jerk off to from TINDER…you know who don’t have the resources but still like the attention too – cuz they are only human…

See the original post here:
Cara Delevingne Erotica for Allure of the Day