Tag Archives: percent-passed

So Sad: 10% Of NYC Public School Kids Are Reportedly Homeless — Blame Gentrification?

(Image source/getty images) Homelessness In NYC Public Schools Are Reportedly At A High A The New York Times  report is shining a light on the realities of 10% of all public school kids, they’re homeless. NYT says one out of every 10 students lived in temporary housing during the last school year. That means about one out of every 10 students in New York City will sleep in a homeless shelter or in the homes of relatives. That’s the highest rate of homeless students the city has ever seen. This is sad because homeless students tend to struggle academically: Reportedly, in the 2015-16 school year, just 12 percent of students living in shelters passed the state math exam, and 15 percent passed English. New York City has one of the highest populations of homeless students of any big city in America. About 5 percent of students in Chicago’s public schools were homeless last year, and just above 3 percent of Los Angeles’ students were homeless in 2016. There are about 1.1 million children in the city’s public schools in total. That means over 100,000 kids have no real homes to call their own. They said close to 38,000 homeless students lived in a shelter last year, down slightly from the previous year; the rest stayed with relatives while their families looked for permanent housing. Staggering, but who is the blame? The rent in NYC is HIGH and nearly impossible for someone making a median wage because of gentrification. NYC is supposed to be a “philanthropic” city, and NO ONE (wealthy) is offering to help keep these kids in healthy, consistent living conditions. Any solutions? Thoughts?  

Read more from the original source:
So Sad: 10% Of NYC Public School Kids Are Reportedly Homeless — Blame Gentrification?

Out Of Pocket: Principal Accused Of Using Struggling School’s Funds To Build Private Gym

Principal Uses School Money To Build Private Gym Wait, is the principal in a bikini??? The NY Post reports: The principal is in much better shape than her school. Principal Jazmine Santiago used school funds to install her own private gym with a bench press, pull-up bar, treadmill, elliptical machine and thigh exerciser on the third floor of PS 269 in Flatbush, sources told The Post. When some staffers questioned the expenditure, Santiago claimed she shares the equipment with older students, according to one source. But the underperforming school only goes through Grade 5, which would make the oldest students 11 years old and an average 4-foot-10 — not tall enough to reach some of the heavy-duty equipment. “Their bodies are not ready for a treadmill,” one teacher said. Staffers fumed that Santiago converted a storage room into her own private workout space in June 2014 with no consultation. “She comes in early, she goes to the gym. Even when class is in session, she’s still in the gym,” said another teacher. Teachers say the room is always locked and not accessible to other staff, much less students. Santiago, who makes $124,319 a year, refused to meet a Post reporter on school grounds and didn’t return calls. The elementary school has struggled during her four-year reign. Only 16 percent of students passed state English tests and only 12 percent passed math exams last year. SMH…she’s got some explaining to do.

View original post here:
Out Of Pocket: Principal Accused Of Using Struggling School’s Funds To Build Private Gym

Out Of Pocket: Principal Accused Of Using Struggling School’s Funds To Build Private Gym

Principal Uses School Money To Build Private Gym Wait, is the principal in a bikini??? The NY Post reports: The principal is in much better shape than her school. Principal Jazmine Santiago used school funds to install her own private gym with a bench press, pull-up bar, treadmill, elliptical machine and thigh exerciser on the third floor of PS 269 in Flatbush, sources told The Post. When some staffers questioned the expenditure, Santiago claimed she shares the equipment with older students, according to one source. But the underperforming school only goes through Grade 5, which would make the oldest students 11 years old and an average 4-foot-10 — not tall enough to reach some of the heavy-duty equipment. “Their bodies are not ready for a treadmill,” one teacher said. Staffers fumed that Santiago converted a storage room into her own private workout space in June 2014 with no consultation. “She comes in early, she goes to the gym. Even when class is in session, she’s still in the gym,” said another teacher. Teachers say the room is always locked and not accessible to other staff, much less students. Santiago, who makes $124,319 a year, refused to meet a Post reporter on school grounds and didn’t return calls. The elementary school has struggled during her four-year reign. Only 16 percent of students passed state English tests and only 12 percent passed math exams last year. SMH…she’s got some explaining to do.

Out Of Pocket: Principal Accused Of Using Struggling School’s Funds To Build Private Gym