I have always dreamt of being able to write my own Bieber experience but I did not realize that day would happen so soon. I have been a belieber since the very start and I always will be. I have now been to 5 of his concerts (two on the My World tour and three on the Believe Tour). I’m 17 and I have a job so I buy all my tickets with my own money (well except for the most recent one). One day I was goofing around online looking for tickets to buy because I really wanted to see Justin again. He wasn’t coming back to Seattle any time soon so I thought maybe I could find tickets to see him in LA. That way I could stay with my grandparents and just make a whole trip out of it. When I was searching, I found meet and greets online. I knew I wasn’t going to get them but I decided to joke around and ask my mom anyways. There was no doubt in my mind that she was even going to consider it. Of course I wanted them but I just thought it was too unrealistic. A couple months past and I pulled out my phone at school during lunch. I glanced down to see that there was a text from my mom. She usually doesn’t text me at school so I knew something was up. The first thing I read was, “Ok don’t scream.” I then continue to read it. In the text my mom said that she purchased my meet and greet ticket and that I was going to meet Justin on June 24th 2013 in LA. I started freaking out, I almost starting crying and I was jumping up and down and screaming. Fast forward to the actual good stuff now. The day of the concert was the absolute best day of my life. I got my hair and makeup done and then we walked to the Staples Center. We had to walk as a group backstage and stand in a line against the wall. I got to meet Kenny and Fredo which was really cool too. Standing in line felt like it took hours but actually probably took only ten minutes. I saw all the curtains and flashes going on behind them. There Justin was standing with his blue hat and black shirt. I didn’t even have time to take it all in. It was finally my turn. For some reason I couldn’t get myself to move so he actually came up to me and pulled me over to him. I remember seeing his huge smile. That was probably the best part, just seeing him happy. He didn’t smile in the picture but I really didn’t mind. The fact that I got to hug him and stand with him for a few seconds was totally fine with me. The only thing I regret is that I didn’t say one word to him. I wish I would’ve at least said “thank you” but I couldn’t manage to get words out of my mouth. One really memorable thing from the concert was that he threw a guitar pick at me! It hit me but I didn’t catch it so the person next to me ended up taking it. It was honestly the best day of my life. I now honestly believe that you should never say never! I am so thankful for this experience. I would not have gotten to meet him without my mom. -Maya View post: I have always dreamt of being able to write my own…
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I have always dreamt of being able to write my own…