Tag Archives: pictures-coming

Bar Paly Sets The Highest Bar At The Maxim Hot 100 Celebration Event

I know it’s one thing for me to talk up how Bar Paly is hands down the hottest Bar in Hollywood , and probably the entire world, but it’s another thing entirely for her to prove it by showing up to the MAXIM Hot 100 Celebration Event looking this good. So thanks for backing me up, Bar. But don’t stop now, and keep these red-hot pictures coming, because I think there still might be a couple non-believers out there. (OK, so I know that’s a lie, but the rest of you just shut up and go with it.) » view all 22 photos Photos: PacificCoastNews , WENN.com Continue reading

Emily Blunt’s Booty In Sweet Leggings

I don’t think I’ve ever actually done a post on Emily Blunt before, she’s cute, I’ve just never been that big a fan. But as every celebrity knows by now, if you want to get on Hollywood Tuna, all you need to do is show off your booty in a set of leggings. It’s like my own personal Bat-signal. So congratulations Emily, all those years of hard work paid off, you finally made it to the big leagues. And if you keep the leggings pictures coming, I have a feeling this could be the start of something magical between us. Photos: FameFlynet

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Emily Blunt’s Booty In Sweet Leggings

The World’s a Better Place When It’s Upside Down Playlist

Hey everyone, So, I know it’s been forever since I posted a playlist. And like always, this is what has been rolling around my iPod recently. I am OBSESSED with this band “Girl in a Coma” and the song “Their Cell” is one of the most melodically beautiful songs I have heard in a long time. The lead singer’s voice will captivate you like it has me! The title of this playlist is from Gabriella Cilmi’s “Sweet About Me” which I have been singing to my sister, Bridget, recently. I promise more posts and pictures coming soon! xoxox

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The World’s a Better Place When It’s Upside Down Playlist