Tag Archives: piggly-wiggly

You Can’t Be Serious: 340-Pound Chubby Lumpkins Arrested For Pepper Spraying Grocery Store Employees When She’s Caught Stealing Bacon!!

*sigh* Georgia Woman Arrested For Stealing Bacon From Piggly-Wiggly Meet Lonneshia Shafaye Appling. The Georgia woman, 26, was so determined to shoplift beer, bacon, cheese, and chicken wings from a Piggly Wiggly that she punched, spit at, and pepper-sprayed store workers who confronted her as she tried to flee the supermarket Wednesday afternoon, according to cops. Appling, pictured in the adjacent mug shot, allegedly hid items worth $88.27 in a canvas bag. She “attempted to check out, only putting one item on the counter,” according to a worker quoted in an Athens-Clarke County Police Department report. When a Piggly Wiggly employee–who had been tipped to the pilfering by a shopper–asked Appling about the concealed items, she tried to exit the store. After worker Jonathan Orr tried to stop Appling, she “pulled out some pepper spray and sprayed him in the face.” Appling kept spraying as several workers tried to keep her from fleeing. The 340-pound Appling also allegedly punched Orr in the face and spit on the 28-year-old employee. As she successfully bolted from the Athens store, Appling “was dropping beer cans out of her purse.” Responding to a 911 call, a cop reported spotting “a very large black female in a purple dress standing there screaming at two store employees” who followed her outside the Piggly Wiggly, which was filled with a choking cloud of pepper spray. Police then arrested Appling, whose rap sheet includes several prior shoplifting convictions and outstanding arrest warrants in three Georgia counties. Just to be totally clear, take a look at the list of items that this hungry-a$$ broad stole. Cops prepared an inventory of the items Appling sought to swipe: five packages of cheese; eight cans of Coors Light; vegetable oil; chicken wings; and five packages of bacon. As first reported by the Athens Banner Herald, she was charged with a variety of crimes, including aggravated assault, theft, simple battery, and disorderly conduct. We would tell her to have a seat, but her big a$$ probably needs a futon! Source

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You Can’t Be Serious: 340-Pound Chubby Lumpkins Arrested For Pepper Spraying Grocery Store Employees When She’s Caught Stealing Bacon!!

Time-Lapse Thing of the Day: 4,000 tilt-shifted images of Los…


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Time-Lapse Thing of the Day: 4,000 tilt-shifted images of Los Angeles during the holiday season snapped through a “snow globe” — actually, a water-filled light bulb — make up this stunning time-lapse short from Colin Mika and Brandon Vedder of All Cut Up Films . [ petapixel .] Broadcasting platform : Vimeo Source : The Daily What Discovery Date : 21/12/2011 03:51 Number of articles : 2

Time-Lapse Thing of the Day: 4,000 tilt-shifted images of Los…

Time-Lapse Thing of the Day: 4,000 tilt-shifted images of Los…


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Time-Lapse Thing of the Day: 4,000 tilt-shifted images of Los Angeles during the holiday season snapped through a “snow globe” — actually, a water-filled light bulb — make up this stunning time-lapse short from Colin Mika and Brandon Vedder of All Cut Up Films . [ petapixel .] Broadcasting platform : Vimeo Source : The Daily What Discovery Date : 21/12/2011 03:51 Number of articles : 2

Time-Lapse Thing of the Day: 4,000 tilt-shifted images of Los…

Time-Lapse Thing of the Day: 4,000 tilt-shifted images of Los…


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Time-Lapse Thing of the Day: 4,000 tilt-shifted images of Los Angeles during the holiday season snapped through a “snow globe” — actually, a water-filled light bulb — make up this stunning time-lapse short from Colin Mika and Brandon Vedder of All Cut Up Films . [ petapixel .] Broadcasting platform : Vimeo Source : The Daily What Discovery Date : 21/12/2011 03:51 Number of articles : 2

Time-Lapse Thing of the Day: 4,000 tilt-shifted images of Los…

Miley Cyrus Fans Are The Best


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The spirit of a 2-pack-a-day-smoking Piggly Wiggly cashier named Earline Dawn trapped in the body of a 19-year-old trailer park chipmunk named Miley Cyrus was making her way to a helicopter in Costa Rica the other day when a few of her fans stopped her to ask for a picture. Miley posed for one picture and then walked away even though her fans wanted more. The rest of the priceless conversation went… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Dlisted Discovery Date : 21/12/2011 04:15 Number of articles : 3

Miley Cyrus Fans Are The Best