Tag Archives: trailer-park

Jessica Simpson Ass in a Bikini of the Day

18 hours ago – Jessica Simpson posted this picture of her 36 year old mom ass – because I guess its her birthday and she’s feeling hot about it…which is easy when you’re a half retard, rich as hell running a billion dollar a year business, like it’s some kind of joke, a serious fucking troll…but more importantly, she was destined to being a 400 pound monster in a trailer park on disability eating fucking donuts and chips, watchign the Price is Right, discussing how she liked fat Drew Carey better than skinny Drew Carey…but instead she drop the weight and now posts pics like this…and for that it is amazing… The post Jessica Simpson Ass in a Bikini of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Jessica Simpson Ass in a Bikini of the Day

Target Shopper of the Day

This is a pretty amazing obese mother of 12 walking through Target with a bible…in what is everything wrong with America…that these people who think “The Devil is Raping Children” because of homosexual agendas…is pretty fucking terrifying because so much white trash uneducated evangelical weirdos exists in small town America. This is the majority… I guess what she’s forgetting is that her bathroom / trailer park outhouse, a place her fat ass spends a lot of time thanks to her eating is for all genders… The post Target Shopper of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

Target Shopper of the Day

Danica Patrick Ass in a Bikini of the Day

I always assume that Danica Patrick is Winnie Cooper from the Wonder Years, but I think that may be another Danica…or maybe her name isn’t even Danica, the fuck if I know…this Danica Patrick…is the NASCAR driver, a sport I don’t watch, but that I assume you watch, because I attract that level of quality, sophisticated, trailer park dwelling, looking for tit reader…you know the white, racist, lowest common forum of human, who like fake tits, and fast cars…I call it Florida… I don’t know if she’s ever won anything but the right to tbe the only or the first woman driver in a men’s world…which is surprising because what I know about NASCAR is that girls can’t drive for shit, and it’s full of accidents… Well, she’s in a bikini with her fake titty friends…and I guess that’s news…. The post Danica Patrick Ass in a Bikini of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Danica Patrick Ass in a Bikini of the Day

Vanessa Hudgens in Christmas of the Day

Vanessa Hudgens posted what is probably the worst, staged Christmas selfie. The kind of Christmas selfie I don’t really understand why she would bother, especially after we’ve seen her self shot nudes, because if anything this is her mocking us, acting like she was some garbage family on my facebook feed from the trailer park, when we have the vagina pics to know the truth… If anything, she should know that nothing says Christmas like spread asshole pics, not this ugly sweater bullshit trend…get it together…

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Vanessa Hudgens in Christmas of the Day

Rihanna for Elle of the Day

Rihanna may be falling off the radar, she may be getting replaced by people like Rita Ora who have been waiting in line to replace her for a long fucking time, she may be have a rugged face and she may be really into drugs thanks to being from a small island that the population of locals collectively makes what she makes in a year…you know worse than throwing a million dollar lottery win at a white trash trailer park meth head…it’s going to go fast and someone will have a premature death because of it… But she’s still rich and famous and Rihanna…and hot enough for me…I mean, sure, she’s better when naked…and she likes getting naked, but sometimes a corset, push up bra and pantyhose for a fashion magazine is a good enough change of pace.. Here are the pics.

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Rihanna for Elle of the Day

Maria Menounos Tramp Stamp Booty on Extra of the Day

Maria Menounos made an appearance on Extra, now I am not well versed in the nightly gossip shows, because I find ghetto, irrelevant and annoying, you see despite my body shape and size, I am not a welfare, foodstamp, walmart shopping, trailer park dwelling, toothless, middle American wife in a housecoat – obsessed with Hollywood, even though I don’t’ understand or see any movies or shows with substance, because I’m inbred and half retorted…. But from what I remember – Maria Menounos was on one of these shows, before making a bold move to quit the show, in efforts to pave her own way…and by looks of this weirdo publicity stunt…it looks like she really made the right move as she crawls back for segments – because the people of Extra love her…need her and are the only ones who care… Weird.

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Maria Menounos Tramp Stamp Booty on Extra of the Day

Vanessa Hudgens Round Ass Hikes of the DAy

Vanessa Hudgens kinda makes me laugh. She was a pudgy, hairy, Disney starlet from High School musical, who managed to get involved in what her lawyers seem to think was an underage nude sext scandal, showcasing her awesome bush, only to leverage that to get more work, nothing really substantial, other than a Threesome in Springbreakers…. Now she’s a pudgey, hairy little older thing, but for some reason, a I think she’s great…I like her little round body, I like her little hustle, and more importantly, I like staring at her ass when she hikes… I mean she’s a product of a STAGE MOM and I guess it’s working…she’s not in a gutter somewhere plotting her revenge against Disney for raping her, instead she’s just having a good time…and that’s refreshing enough to stare at her ass as it hikes…cuz you know that fucking ass is sweating…my favorite. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE

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Vanessa Hudgens Round Ass Hikes of the DAy

Maria Menounos in a Bikini in Vegas of the Day

There are no Maria Menounos Pics that matter quite as much as THESE MARIA MENOUNOS PICS …because she flashed her pussy in them… Seeing her living her retired life 3 or 4 years later, with her husband…rocking her decent body that I think is overrated thanks to to everyone who knows who she is…people who I assume are only white trailer park people who watched her on EXTRA before she quit…because ei wouldn’t know who the fuck she was if it wasn’t for doing this stupid site…is boring… You know sipping her beer in her bikini as she parties in Vegas..in some selfies…come on bitch, we’ve already seen your vag, step it up….and stop the yard.

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Maria Menounos in a Bikini in Vegas of the Day

Samantha Hoopes Big Tits of the Day

I like instagram models… They try a lot harder than actual working models who make money – because all they want in life is to be celebrated for their fake titties and fake faces with their filler filled lips and cheeks…they don’t need money, just rich husbands and instagram likes… Here’s Samantha Hoopes living the instagram dream – she even Booked Sports Illustrated for free…

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Samantha Hoopes Big Tits of the Day

Kristen Stewart Ass in a Thong of the Day

Kirsten Stewart has never been hot. She’s never had sex appeal. I hate her even though she has always been a dirty looking ditch pig…homeless and ready to fuck anyone to escape the trailer park she’s been crashin’ at…despite fame and fortune that has tricked people into thinking she’s anything but that. Her square pasty ass in a thong in this trailer… hasn’t that fact. She can keep trying though.

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Kristen Stewart Ass in a Thong of the Day