Tag Archives: likes-getting

Lily Aldridge for GQ UK of the Day

Lily Aldridge bores me. She’s hardly got a body, but is still an alleged lingerie supermodel because the general public gets sucked into the whole Victoria’s Secret marketing campaign that this brat is a part of… She’s essentially been a scenester who fucks guys in bands, and in doing that, she’s met the key people in her “circle”…and pulled a massive scam…where she went from doing tampax commercials to this…. That’s not to say she’s a horrible person just because she’s connected, even if she’s probably are horrible person…it’s just to say that she’s not that great, despite what we can assume she thinks about herself and now she’s in GQ UK….half naked…like her mom…who was in Playboy…only without the vagina lips…

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Lily Aldridge for GQ UK of the Day

Hilary Duff Stuff Photoshopped for Elle of the Day

I wonder if Hilary Duff is photoshopped in these pictures of Elle or not. I mean she looks like a fucking robot, or maybe even some computer generated art project, but maybe she is a fucking robot, built by Disney, in some Peter Pan lab, who will never die….but who will instead keep gracing the world with Lizzie Maguire the Old and Washed Up Divorced Mom years….it was one of the earlier kids shows pervert dudes jerked off to because she was jailbait and America loves Jailbait and makes Jailbait billionaires like the Olsen twins… Doesn’t matter…because this rendition of Hilary Duff, looks fit and good, even like a stripper or sex doll, which I guess is something I know too well, because those are the only girls I get…so this speaks to me….but it’s not saying much, or anything relevant, if anything I just want it to shut the fuck up…

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Hilary Duff Stuff Photoshopped for Elle of the Day

Rihanna for Elle of the Day

Rihanna may be falling off the radar, she may be getting replaced by people like Rita Ora who have been waiting in line to replace her for a long fucking time, she may be have a rugged face and she may be really into drugs thanks to being from a small island that the population of locals collectively makes what she makes in a year…you know worse than throwing a million dollar lottery win at a white trash trailer park meth head…it’s going to go fast and someone will have a premature death because of it… But she’s still rich and famous and Rihanna…and hot enough for me…I mean, sure, she’s better when naked…and she likes getting naked, but sometimes a corset, push up bra and pantyhose for a fashion magazine is a good enough change of pace.. Here are the pics.

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Rihanna for Elle of the Day

Rihanna for Elle of the Day

Rihanna may be falling off the radar, she may be getting replaced by people like Rita Ora who have been waiting in line to replace her for a long fucking time, she may be have a rugged face and she may be really into drugs thanks to being from a small island that the population of locals collectively makes what she makes in a year…you know worse than throwing a million dollar lottery win at a white trash trailer park meth head…it’s going to go fast and someone will have a premature death because of it… But she’s still rich and famous and Rihanna…and hot enough for me…I mean, sure, she’s better when naked…and she likes getting naked, but sometimes a corset, push up bra and pantyhose for a fashion magazine is a good enough change of pace.. Here are the pics.

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Rihanna for Elle of the Day

Rihanna Does Vogue UK Of the Day

Rihanna is in Vogue UK, where she tells the world she hates being a role model, maybe because she’s a gully trashy bitch who likes getting her pussy filled when she’s not busy going mental on gay dudes so they lash out on the bitch, you know all horny and shit always rubbing her cunt on anything she can rub it on, as her biological clock is tickin’….all them Bajan girls are usually knocked up by 16, making Rihanna 10 years too late and a empty uterus leads to damage…now if only all those 12 year old girls weren’t making her millions of dollars, then she could do what she knows best, prostitution…what you think getting famous happens that easy for a girl in the islands…. Here are some recent concert pics…from her better unphotoshopped thick crotch heavy angle…

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Rihanna Does Vogue UK Of the Day

Brittny Gastineau Showing Off Her Fat Shitty Body of the Day

I am probably the only person who bothers with this Brittny Gastineau pig. I message her on twitter, I write about her ill-fitting clothing, but in her clothing’s defense, it’s hard to have good fitting clothing when you have a pig body…. Here she is trying to get attention in a see thru shirt

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Brittny Gastineau Showing Off Her Fat Shitty Body of the Day

Dave Navarro’s Groupie Pussy Go To Luis Vuitton of the Day

Wanna know how to keep young groupie pussy happy enough to not go to the police claiming motherfucker raped her, or to the media claiming he likes getting fucked up the ass with a strap on, or watching gay porn or that he gave her herpes other shit he doesn’t want to get out, or maybe he is trying to keep her happy to ease her young inexperienced ass into doing those crazy things Carmen Electra taught him….You take the shopping at Luis Vuitton and give money to some homeless dude in a wheel chair…nothing makes a bitch hornier…. Pics via Fame

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Dave Navarro’s Groupie Pussy Go To Luis Vuitton of the Day