Tag Archives: some-homeless

Ariel Winter Ass Hanging Out of Shorts of the Day

Ariel Winter is a chubby girl..who everyone, at least the media, fucking loves – because she’s from TV….and 18 and old enough to finally whore out the way she wants to whore out…which is in a way that would make me think she doesn’t think she’s a fat chick and is just owning it…in a trashy, slutty and I guess amazing if you’re into her kind of way…I mean shorts where asses hang out are exciting…and it’s the style… Yesterday, I saw a girl with her mom wearing shorts like this, full ass out…it was like a thong bikini but denim shorts…walking the streets….and two days ago…I saw three or four of these girls…probably barely 18…in the same kind of shorts…full ass exposed…it might as well been a thong…it’s fucking great…I love it.. The only problem is for every skinny hot chick – is 8 fat girls…at various levels of fat and for a trend to be a trend – we need the fat girls to wear it too – otherwise the skinny girls will feel like sluts – instead of just being the hotter version of everyone else… But unfortunately I hate this new found fat girl confidence, I like fat girls who know they aren’t hot…it’s the way the world is supposed to work. Sure there was always the loud fat girl with big tits showing cleavage who fucked a different guy every night and wasn’t awful, just annoying, but nowadays all fat girls are that girl – because they don’t even know they are fucking fat.. I wonder where fashion will go from here, maybe it will be girls walking around with pussy exposed, or clamped to their legs spread open with a speculum or something equally exciting… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Ariel Winter Ass Hanging Out of Shorts of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Ariel Winter Ass Hanging Out of Shorts of the Day

Em Rat Cow Forgets Her Roots of the DAy

Em Rat Cow is dressed like some homeless orphan in some Charles Dickens story…layers and layers of covered the fuck up as a passive aggressive “go fuck yourself you fucking fans, I am more than just tits”… But after much thought, much analysis, much field work and interviews of people in my head…we have collectively decided – no she’s not more than tits. Sure she can want to be an actor, stealing jobs from actors, because she’s got a following on social media the producers assume mean she’ll fill seats…but you can’t jerk off in the kind of theaters her movies are shown in, at least not legally, because I’ve proven you can jerk off anywhere if they police don’t catch you, even though her skill set and talent would make you think she should be shown in the theaters you can jerk off in….but I guess her scam has kept her out of porn…but it definitely should keep her out of clothing…because when in clothing you can see how much she really doesn’t matter… The post Em Rat Cow Forgets Her Roots of the DAy appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Em Rat Cow Forgets Her Roots of the DAy

Mel B’s Tits and Her New Friend of the Day

Every once in a while a paparazzi pic happens that makes me laugh…and think “Hey, despite killing Princess Diana, and going onto steal pics of these famous people, that in reality they have grey area right to take pics of, only to sell for insane amounts of money, and hire evil legal teams to sue all the websites out there that uses them without permission, even though Facebook, Twitter, and sites based in other countries can do whatever the fuck they want and the public can find said images we are trying to sell for insane amount of money…sometimes they capture a great moment”… Like Mel B with hug tits being creeped on by some homeless guy that may even be one of her many illegit kids…like the one she has with Eddie Murphy…#classwars and #titties VIA SOURCE

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Mel B’s Tits and Her New Friend of the Day

Miley Cyrus Bikini in Miami of the DAy

*had to remove the images thanks to evil paparazzi – but this video is way funnier and the pic I posted is in it. Here’s the weird Miley Cyrus face I’ve been missinng so much the last few months when she was photographed showing off her tight young pilates body that distracted me from her weird looking face…I don’t know if it weak chinned, or if it just looks like she’s sucking on something sour, but this is the reason I was never a fan of her….before she started showing off her tight pilates body….you see cuz as much as I hate broken down faces, I really love hot fit bodies, almost causing conflict for me, until remembering it is Miley and how hard I’d like to K-Fed her….shit she could get her face eaten off by some homeless dude on Bath Salts and I’d still take her to prom – if you know what I mean. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS GO

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Miley Cyrus Bikini in Miami of the DAy

Breakdancing Granny to Lift Your Spirits of the Day

This has as much sex appeal as the dancing baby on Aly Mcbeal….no I didn’t ever watch that show cuz I am not a lesbian but here is a video I saw of some old lady, or hipster who dyed her hair grey to look ironic, or maybe she was just some homeless person who found some E or meth outside some afterparty that took place in an alley and the trash on my facebook is going nuts over this – so I figured I’d post this for you as I ride the Montana Fishburne fame….

Breakdancing Granny to Lift Your Spirits of the Day

Brittny Gastineau Showing Off Her Fat Shitty Body of the Day

I am probably the only person who bothers with this Brittny Gastineau pig. I message her on twitter, I write about her ill-fitting clothing, but in her clothing’s defense, it’s hard to have good fitting clothing when you have a pig body…. Here she is trying to get attention in a see thru shirt

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Brittny Gastineau Showing Off Her Fat Shitty Body of the Day

Dave Navarro’s Groupie Pussy Go To Luis Vuitton of the Day

Wanna know how to keep young groupie pussy happy enough to not go to the police claiming motherfucker raped her, or to the media claiming he likes getting fucked up the ass with a strap on, or watching gay porn or that he gave her herpes other shit he doesn’t want to get out, or maybe he is trying to keep her happy to ease her young inexperienced ass into doing those crazy things Carmen Electra taught him….You take the shopping at Luis Vuitton and give money to some homeless dude in a wheel chair…nothing makes a bitch hornier…. Pics via Fame

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Dave Navarro’s Groupie Pussy Go To Luis Vuitton of the Day