Tag Archives: played-it-coy

Tay Ping Hui girlfriend picture

In an interview with xinmsn at the press conference for Tay Ping Hui#39;s latest drama series, New Beginnings, Ping Hui played it coy and nonchalantly countered “Did I say that?” when reporters quizzed him of his latest love interest. “My dad is not young anymore. I definitely hope to get married and settle down before they pass on,” he explained. Caldecott Hill#39;s resident heartthrob recently revealed to a local publication his newly-minted attached status and intentions to “get married af

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Tay Ping Hui girlfriend picture

Kate Hudson: A-Rod is Nice!

Flaunted on very-public dates and outings, and at every single Yankees home game, Kate Hudson and Alex Rodriguez’s steamy relationship is not a secret. Still, on the Late Show with David Letterman last night, the actress didn’t give in to the host’s humorously nosy questions about her romance with A-Rod. When Letterman opened up the questioning with, “So …

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Kate Hudson: A-Rod is Nice!