Tag Archives: playing-madea

Jesus Take The Phones: Momo Challenge Reportedly Urges Kids To Take Their Own Life

Source: picture alliance / Getty The Dangerous Wack Challenges Continue A disturbing challenge has made waves in the U.K. that’s threatening the lives of young people. According to CBS News , parents and police are issuing warnings against a WhatsApp messaging challenge called the “Momo game” or the “Momo challenge.” The challenge first gained buzz last summer, and mostly children or teens have been known to participate. It requires them to contact a stranger under the name “Momo” using a creepy image. Then, through WhatsApp correspondence, they encourage participants to carry out various tasks if they want to avoid being “cursed.” Some of these tasks include self-harm, and Momo even insists the participants provide photographic evidence to continue the game. Ultimately, the game ends with Momo telling the participant to kill themselves and record it for social media. The “Momo” image is taken from an actual sculpture called “Mother Bird” by Japanese artist Keisuke Aisawa . There’s nothing to indicate Aisawa’s company Link Factory had anything to do with the creation or execution of the Momo challenge. View this post on Instagram MOTHER-BIRD by #LinkFactory/#KeisukeAisawa (2016, On Display at @vanillagallery_jp) #BetweenMirrors ƑØLLØᙛ ► @Between.Mirrors A post shared by

Pure Comedy: How Tyler Perry’s Madea Oscars Prank Ended Up On Beyoncé’s Instagram [Video]

Source: NBC / Getty Tyler Perry Talks About His Farewell From Playing Madea Tyler Perry stopped by The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon on Tuesday night to discuss everything surrounding his final Madea film. While in the hot seat, Perry tells the hilarious story of how a prank photo of Madea holding Oscars ended up permanently backstage at the Dolby Theatre before ending up on Beyoncé’s Instagram feed. The actor also has an amazing story about Prince that you’ll have to hear to believe. Check out Tyler Perry’s whole interview on The Tonight Show in the clip down below:  

Original post:
Pure Comedy: How Tyler Perry’s Madea Oscars Prank Ended Up On Beyoncé’s Instagram [Video]