Tag Archives: mostly-children

Jesus Take The Phones: Momo Challenge Reportedly Urges Kids To Take Their Own Life

Source: picture alliance / Getty The Dangerous Wack Challenges Continue A disturbing challenge has made waves in the U.K. that’s threatening the lives of young people. According to CBS News , parents and police are issuing warnings against a WhatsApp messaging challenge called the “Momo game” or the “Momo challenge.” The challenge first gained buzz last summer, and mostly children or teens have been known to participate. It requires them to contact a stranger under the name “Momo” using a creepy image. Then, through WhatsApp correspondence, they encourage participants to carry out various tasks if they want to avoid being “cursed.” Some of these tasks include self-harm, and Momo even insists the participants provide photographic evidence to continue the game. Ultimately, the game ends with Momo telling the participant to kill themselves and record it for social media. The “Momo” image is taken from an actual sculpture called “Mother Bird” by Japanese artist Keisuke Aisawa . There’s nothing to indicate Aisawa’s company Link Factory had anything to do with the creation or execution of the Momo challenge. View this post on Instagram MOTHER-BIRD by #LinkFactory/#KeisukeAisawa (2016, On Display at @vanillagallery_jp) #BetweenMirrors ƑØLLØᙛ ► @Between.Mirrors A post shared by

A Lil Positivity: Former NBKOTB & Hip-Hop Ghostwriter Medina Says ‘The Rappers Are So Poor All They Have Is Money’ [Video]

Last year, we introduced you to Medina, one of hip-hop’s most popular hitmen . While he’s penned a number of chart toppers for some of the industry’s superstars, this guy is ready for change. “Enough is enough! This shit is getting stupid! There will come a day when money no longer ‘talks’ – when the integrity of your character will be what speaks the loudest. Unfortunately, the major league players in this game have an immortal legacy. It will not die with them, they’ve left a legacy of filth to the babies. These ‘moguls’ – they have money to dangle in front of an industry rookie so he can buy a chain (or 2) and a car, but he’s now obligated to go to the studio and promote the agenda of the label – money, clothes, hoes and getting fucked up at the same damn time. It’s reckless and serves no good use for the listeners who are mostly children! Those big name rappers are so poor, all they have is money! My soul is NOT for sale! So, if the new controversy is doing the right thing, then where do I sign?” To back up his bold statements, this man has dedicated himself to a dutiful cause to pivot the image of a “superstar.” Within the last year, Medina has partnered with Atlanta mayor, Kasim Reed, and raised over 30k to develop programs that assist young women in leading a healthy and active lifestyle. In addition to that, he’s donated ALL proceeds from his ‘Love That Hate Made’ EP to YES (Youth Enhancements Services) in Atlanta to help at risk youth acquire a GED. “What I’d like to see happen is people, especially the youth, dedicate their brainpower to something useful. Focus the free parts of your day reading a book or doing something with your hands or your body – something that stimulates greatness within you. A useless brain gets washed with programming. Turn those TVs off!” Take a look at his newest video “The Number Man” produced by Timbaland! Keep in mind every view supports a cause that helps at risk youth and promotes healthy living!

See the article here:
A Lil Positivity: Former NBKOTB & Hip-Hop Ghostwriter Medina Says ‘The Rappers Are So Poor All They Have Is Money’ [Video]

TIME Magazine Lists Fluoride as "Environmental Toxin"

SIC SEMPER TYRANNIS!!! A report from TIME.com lists among other household Items – Fluoride- as an “Environmental Toxin”. The article starts out, saying: “Chemicals in plastics and other products seem harmless, but mounting evidence links them to health problems — and Washington lacks the power to protect us” Of course, activists and scientists have for years been aware of fluoride’s toxicity, but propaganda and Big Pharma have sought to keep these facts from the general public by showing fluoride in a favorable light through the controlled media. The article went on to say that “Government studies support current fluoride levels in tap water, but studies on long-term exposure and cancers are ongoing”. What It Is: A form of the basic element fluorine Found In: Toothpaste, tap water Health Hazards: Neurotoxic and potentially tumorigenic if swallowed; the American Dental Association advises that children under 2 not use fluoride toothpaste What You Should Know: Government studies support current fluoride levels in tap water, but studies on long-term exposure and cancers are ongoing So, What are the lethal levels for humans? As of April 7, 1997, the United States FDA (Food & Drug Administration) required that all fluoride toothpastes sold in the U.S. carry the following poison warning: WARNING: Keep out of reach of children under 6 years of age. If you accidentally swallow more than used for brushing, seek professional help or contact a poison control center immediately Potentially fatal dose = 5 mg of fluoride per kg of bodyweight. Ingestion of fluoride can produce gastrointestinal discomfort at doses at least 15 to 20 times lower (0.2–0.3 mg/kg) than lethal doses. [7][8] A 2-year-old, for example, may experience gastrointestinal distress upon ingesting sufficient amounts of flavored toothpaste. Between 1989 and 1994, over 628 people—mostly children—were treated after ingesting too much fluoride from their toothpaste. Gastrointestinal symptoms appear to be the most common problem reported. [9] In 1986 the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) established a maximum contaminant level (MCL) for fluoride at a concentration of 4 milligrams per litre (mg/L), which is the legal limit of natural fluoride allowed in the water. In 2006, a 12-person committee of the US National Research Council (NRC) reviewed the health risks associated with fluoride consumption[12] and unanimously concluded that the maximum contaminant level of 4 mg/L should be lowered. The EPA has yet to act on the NRC's recommendation.[13][14] The limit was previously 1.4 – 2.4 mg/L, but it was raised to 4 mg/L in 1985.[15] Excessive Fluoride consumption in studies has been shown to be the culprit in the following; A weakening of bones, leading to an increase in hip and wrist fracture Adverse effects on the kidneys possible liver damage Chromosomal damage and interference with DNA repair a correlation between increased fluoride and low IQ suppressive effects on the thyroid While it is refreshing to see the truth about Fluoride being published in the mainstream media, it is disappointing to see, that when most people are told about the devastating effects of Fluoride in our drinking water, toothpaste, and other household items – they ignore the facts, or even categorize these facts as just another “Conspiracy theory”. http://i169.photobucket.com/albums/u205/Crowcaller/2005-5-15-fluoride1reals22.jp… Read more: http://www.time.com/time/specials/packages/article/0,28804,1976909_1976895_19768… http://www.time.com/time/specials/packages/completelist/0,29569,1976909,00.html#… added by: Dagum