#453172282 / gettyimages.com The highlight of my life – you know the moment I thought I peaked but didn’t realize I peaked until it was too late – was when Kimberly Garner, an unknown UK scripted reality star, with one of the hottest bikini bodies I’ve seen, especially considering it is out of the UK, where most girls are Grey Skinned and shaped like a doughy potato, or like some trashcan stripper with absurd sized fake tits…giving her bonus points or some leniency when it comes to her bikini body… Then she took it all away from me…by unfollowing me – reminding me that I am not relevant, important, or ever going to have her sit on my face… The good news is that I’ll deal, there are a million other girls who don’t want to sit on my face, even really ugly ones, for me to forget exist until side tit at red carpet events happen…and I am reminded of the day they broke my soul…for about 3 minutes before remembering that I don’t have a soul… Here are some pics of her tit, because I am not petty and I will celebrate what was and not pretend we never existed as one cohesive unit for about an hour…through the internet… Here she is dressed for Prom….at some Premiere she got invited to cuz she made the “barely famous enough, but just famous enough” cut. #453184272 / gettyimages.com #453184254 / gettyimages.com TO SEE ALL THE PICS CLICK HERE
The rest is here:
Top 10 Kimberly Garner Rockin’ Side Tit of the Day