Tag Archives: police-through

Free Slime? Young Thug Reportedly Arrested At Lenox Mall In Atlanta

Young Thug Taken From Mall In Handcuffs Did “12” get a hold of Young Thug right before the Holidays?? A video surfaced online earlier tonight of Young Thug being carted off by police through the busy hallways of Lenox Mall on Thursday night. No word on what the issue was or why he got carted off in cuffs… However, Young Thug posted (and quickly deleted) a video of himself having some fun at a local Waffle House just a few hours later — even saying “we made it back to the mall before they did.” Interesting. It’s not looking like police had much of a reason to hold him. We wonder what happened… Instagram

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Free Slime? Young Thug Reportedly Arrested At Lenox Mall In Atlanta