Tag Archives: policy-studies

Study Finds The Average Black Family Needs 228 Years To Catch Up To The Wealth Of The Average White Family Today

Study Predicts That It Would Take Black Families 228 Years To Catch Up With White Wealth Today A new study predicts that in the future , the wage gap between White Americans and Minorities continues to grow larger as opposed to getting better– and it would take 228 years for black families to acquire the wealth of white families today. Via The Nation If current economic trends continue, the average black household will need 228 years to accumulate as much wealth as their white counterparts hold today. For the average Latino family, it will take 84 years. Absent significant policy interventions, or a seismic change in the American economy, people of color will never close the gap. Those are the key findings of a new study of the racial wealth-gap released this week by the Institute for Policy Studies (IPS) and the Corporation For Economic Development (CFED). They looked at trends in household wealth from 1983 to 2013—a 30-year period that captured the rise of Reaganomics, expanded international trade and two major financial crashes fueled by bubbles in the tech sector and housing prices. The authors found that the average wealth of white households increased by 84 percent during those three decades, three times the gains African-American families saw and 1.2 times the rate of growth for Latino families. To put that in perspective, the wealthiest Americans—members of the Forbes 400 list—saw their net worths increase by 736 percent during that period, on average. If those trends persist for another 30 years, the average white family’s net worth will grow by $18,000 per year, but black and Hispanic households would only see theirs grow by $750 and $2,250 per year, respectively. Check out this visualization of what this study means courtesy of IPS . Thoughts?

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Study Finds The Average Black Family Needs 228 Years To Catch Up To The Wealth Of The Average White Family Today

Shady Azz Wanksters: 57 CEO’s Each Saved At Least A Milli Last Year Thanks To Bush Tax Cuts

57 CEO’s Saved At Least A Million Last Year Due To Bush Taxes We thought this was some pertinent information for illustrating why the Bush tax cuts need to end RIGHT NOW. The Bush tax cuts, again, are set to expire at the end of the year, and President Obama has promised to veto any extension of the cuts on income in excess of $250,000. Of course, Republicans are opposed to anything but a complete extension. In a new report, the Institute for Policy Studies shows just how unnecessary the tax breaks on high income are, noting that last year, 57 of the top 100 CEOs in the country saved more than $1 million due to the Bush tax cuts alone: – CEOs have benefited enormously from the Bush tax cuts for upper-income taxpayers. Last year, 57 CEOs saved more than $1 million on their personal income tax bills, thanks to these Bush-era cuts. – The top CEO beneficiary of the Bush tax cuts in 2011, James Mulva of ConocoPhillips, saved $6.7 million. Mulva cashed in more than $140 million in stock options in his last year at the energy company’s helm. IPS added, “All the CEOs on this list certainly saved significantly more from the Bush tax cuts than the sums listed here, since they had additional income from other sources, including their investments.” In recent decades, CEO pay has absolutely skyrocketed, leaving worker pay far behind. It would take the typical American worker 244 years to earn what the average CEO now makes in one year. Over the last 30 years, CEO pay has increased 127 times faster than worker pay. And at the same time, taxes on the rich have gone down further and further, further exacerbating already high income inequality. SMH. This ish right here makes us want to holler. Source Shutterstock

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Shady Azz Wanksters: 57 CEO’s Each Saved At Least A Milli Last Year Thanks To Bush Tax Cuts