Tag Archives: popstar-because

Top 10 Taylor Swift Nazi Salute of the Day

#458101902 / gettyimages.com I am not saying that aryan, blue eyed, blonde hair…Taylor Swift, who you could assume would be Hitler’s wet dream, is in fact a nazi. I am not a conspiracy theorist like that, but I will say it looks like she’s doing a Nazi Salute at her Good Morning America performance, that is all part of her brain washing propaganda that Hilter could probably relate to, as she sells her new album, that will probably break records….because she is our leader…and I am all about her long, thin, legs that probably wish they were a model instead of a popstar because everyone wishes they were models…

See the article here:
Top 10 Taylor Swift Nazi Salute of the Day

Rihanna Drunken for Instagram of the Day

Rihanna, like Miley, is all new generation popstar, who is only really a popstar because she really fucking wanted the attention on her….so she sucked a lot of the right dick to get it…and now that it is all said and done, she feels either that she owes her fans a taste of her everyday drunken, lazy, not touring, fucked the system and every in between life…or maybe she just likes when they like her picture…because it makes her feel more worthy than her 100 million dollar a year revenue.. I don’t know, I’m into watching drunk girls in their panties…always…whether in staged weird photoshoots or not, so I don’t really care that this is Rihanna or anyone else, I just want more nudity next time around… Keep it coming…and by it I mean me…

See the rest here:
Rihanna Drunken for Instagram of the Day