How to Get a Free IPhone full of Nudes Thai Snake Hunting…No This Isn’t Sex Tourism Trucker Cat Scared of the Overpass The Fuck her Right in the Pussy – During a Child Sex Exploitation Story Dad Leaves his Daughter Behind During a Robbery
#458101902 / I am not saying that aryan, blue eyed, blonde hair…Taylor Swift, who you could assume would be Hitler’s wet dream, is in fact a nazi. I am not a conspiracy theorist like that, but I will say it looks like she’s doing a Nazi Salute at her Good Morning America performance, that is all part of her brain washing propaganda that Hilter could probably relate to, as she sells her new album, that will probably break records….because she is our leader…and I am all about her long, thin, legs that probably wish they were a model instead of a popstar because everyone wishes they were models…
Here’s supermodel superhottie Adriana Lima doing what she does best, looking friggin’ awesome while launching some Victoria’s Secret fragrance somewhere in Florida the other day. I don’t actually know where she is, but Florida had a nice ring to it. Anyhow, I can’t wait until all the uglies and softies start walking around like they own the place because they happen to smell like a Victoria’s Secret model instead of chilly cheese dogs. Thanks for nothing.