Tag Archives: possible-host

Woody Harrelson is a Psychopath, and 5 Other Stories You’ll Be Talking About Today

Happy Thursday! Also in today’s edition of The Broadsheet: Remembering new Oscar producer Brian Grazer’s own “gay” controversy… The Criterion Collection comes to iTunes (but not without issues)… Clint Eastwood’s thing for Herman Cain… and more.

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Woody Harrelson is a Psychopath, and 5 Other Stories You’ll Be Talking About Today

REVIEW: Lars von Trier’s Melancholia Offers a Glorious Peep into the Sugar Easter Egg of Doom

Lars von Trier’s Melancholia is neither the provocation nor the yowl of anguish that his last picture, Antichrist , was. For those reasons, it’s less effective and also far less of a workout: Antichrist was the first von Trier movie I genuinely loved, after a decade’s worth of railing against the sufferdome atmosphere of pictures like Dogville , Dancer in the Dark , and even the mildly bearable Breaking the Waves . Antichrist stunned and upset me, but it also filled me with compassion toward the man who made it, a feeling I’d never imagined I could have. The gift of Antichrist — with its horrific depictions of emotional suffering, its wailing-wind subtext of “Nature is everywhere, inside you and outside, and it is not your friend” — was that von Trier had surprised me. That is a critic’s greatest pleasure — or at least it’s mine.

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REVIEW: Lars von Trier’s Melancholia Offers a Glorious Peep into the Sugar Easter Egg of Doom

Your #MuppetOscars Campaign is in Full Swing — Is That a Good Thing?

It’s been roughly 13 minutes since Eddie Murphy departed as Oscar host, and already we have a strong frontrunner to replace Brett Ratner’s comeback kid: The Muppets. Supporters rallied on Twitter for their consideration, and now an official “The Muppets Should Host the 2012 Oscars” campaign has been launched on Facebook . We offered up the idea of a Muppet-emceed Oscars in our possible host roundup yesterday, but would the reality of Kermit, Miss Piggy, and Gonzo at the dais be as enchanting as we want?

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Your #MuppetOscars Campaign is in Full Swing — Is That a Good Thing?