Tag Archives: posting-some

What’s Up With This Bra That Has All Your IG Baes Posting Thirst Traps?

These Bra Videos Are Thirst Traps Remember when Amber Rose set the world on fire posting this video of herself loading up a bra and putting her tiggles on blast? Well she’s not the only one. Everyone from Miracle Watts to Deelishis is posting some sort of video putting these bras to work. https://www.instagram.com/p/BS2WLkbhV40/?tagged=sneakyvaunt Apparently they’re something called “Sneaky Vaunt” and they’re strapless and all that. We don’t know the specifics but we know that people are really out here setting the traps out and we couldn’t be happier. Take a look… https://www.instagram.com/p/BSe24TYA5rX/ https://www.instagram.com/p/BSezKBqFahk/?tagged=sneakyvaunt https://www.instagram.com/p/BS2YaeyhPSF/ https://www.instagram.com/p/BS4vo37Bnq1/ https://www.instagram.com/p/BSvcoMfh77l/?tagged=sneakyvaunt https://www.instagram.com/p/BSuFN1Ulc0Y/ https://www.instagram.com/p/BSmVZtlBEFk/ https://www.instagram.com/p/BSkU4gwB73H/ https://www.instagram.com/p/BShshm1lUqz/ https://www.instagram.com/p/BSUkI7lBgv-/ https://www.instagram.com/p/BSI5w_sF0kf/ https://www.instagram.com/p/BSB8e43jbVj/?tagged=sneakyvaunt https://www.instagram.com/p/BR55GCLh9o8/ https://www.instagram.com/p/BRo3b4Ghyrf/

Originally posted here:
What’s Up With This Bra That Has All Your IG Baes Posting Thirst Traps?

Ashley Benson in Bikini of the Day

Ashley Benson has stepped up her attention seeking for the internet game by posting some bikini selfies…on instagram… I guess Spring Breakers came out a year ago, and despite becoming way more famous because of it, she learned a very valuable lesson in the process and that is that bikini pics get you noticed, people like them, especially not that she’s less fat… I mean sure it’d be better as a sex tape, or topless, but she’s got a wholesome hipster image she’s trying to maintain, and I guess this is good enough…

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Ashley Benson in Bikini of the Day

McKayla Maroney Is Becoming Trouble

Here’s McKayla Maroney posting some kind of video blog on Keek, whatever that is. Maybe I’m just old, but apparently it’s where teenage girls record themselves talking about nothing? I thought that’s what YouTube was for. Anyway, if McKayla gets any hotter, I’ll have to stop posting her. She’s crossing the legal line. It’s like that movie Lolita , and we all know that doesn’t end well. For me, at least. » view all 17 photos

See the original post here:
McKayla Maroney Is Becoming Trouble

Christina Aguilera’s Chubcakes Are Golden

Earlier today I posted some pictures of Christina Aguilera in which she seemed to be putting on a few pounds right before our eyes, her legs looked like they could take down a small mule. So I thought I’d give her another chance by posting some shots of her in her nicest evening gown at the Golden Globes last night. Sadly, she’s still fat. Is she preggers? I must be out of the loop. Anyhow, the only upside to someone like Christina putting on a few dozen pounds is that, at least in the beginning, it all goes to the chest area and I’m all for it. After that, it’s a slippery slope. Enjoy it while you can.