Tag Archives: power

‘Power’ Recap: The Jimenez Cartel Have Not ‘Forgot About Dre’ Sends The Goons To Cancel His Christmas

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Source: Power / Starz L ast week Angela was put six feet in the ground and her sister Paz made sure her secrets went with her. Meanwhile, Ghost learned that he can’t really trust anyone when Tommy popped up alive and well at his side chick’s funeral. To make matters worse, his soon to be ex-wife confirmed she knew his former business partner wasn’t dead. The episode closed out with Dre learning of Angela’s death which was the feds worst nightmare fearing he won’t testify against Alicia Jimenez. Dre Has More Than Nine Lives Source: Power / Starz T his week’s episode picks right up where last week’s left off. Jerry is getting ready to take Dre to testify against Alicia Jimenez. Before they can leave the house where they hiding Dre and his daughter, Jerry notices a shadowy figure creepy around the front door. As expected, Jimenez hitmen bust in the safehouse taking out the federal agents left and right leaving just Dre, his daughter and Jerry still alive. With some quick thinking, Jerry manages to take out the remaining thugs but does get shot in the process. Dre seizes the moment to pick up a gun from one of the deceased agents and with no remorse kills a begging Jerry in front of his daughter. With everyone dead, Dre decides to take his daughter and run because he knows the Jimenez will hunt continue to hunt him and his daughter. He doesn’t get too far and is arrested by agents at the train station, and they bring him back into custody. Saxe Is Under Some Serious Pressure Source: Power / Starz S axe is having a hard time trying to prove that Ghost was the one who killed Angela Valdez. The death of Jerry Donovan doesn’t help either and only puts more pressure on him thanks to his new boss. Warner tells Saxe that now it’s his business to see to it that Dre testifies against Alicia Jimenez cause if she somehow walks, Saxe is in big trouble. He also has that illegal bug he gave to Proctor’s ex-wife out there hoping he can get some info from that as well. Speaking of the bug, he hasn’t gotten that smoking gun he needs yet but almost does when Tommy stops by Proctor’s house. Before Tommy can say anything damaging to either him or Ghost, Proctor’s daughter comes back and takes the bookbag with the listening device attached to it upstairs. Saxe also has Dre in his custody now that Jerry is gone, so he plans to use him as well in his quest to get Ghost. Team Tate Is Shaken Up Source: Power / Starz R ashad Tate has big dreams of becoming Governor of NYC and won’t stop at nothing to get there. We saw just how ruthless he is last week when he beat up his campaign manager. This week Tate is knocking boots with the same campaign manager’s girlfriend or wife, either or Councilman Tate is totally foul. While he is having sex with her, he gets a call from the DNC, and they inform him they are sending him a care package to help boost his growing campaign. What Tate doesn’t know that the care package isn’t money, but it’s Ramona Garrity who walks in Tate’s campaign headquarters and fires half his staff. Her job is to “stress test” Tate’s operation on behalf of the DNC before they send any money his way. That also means she wants to know more information about his supporters, especially one James St. Patrick, who has been all over the news. The DNC really wants to win in New York and feel Ramona and her team can make that happen. Now unfortunately for Tate, Ramona popping up might be useful for Ghost. He’s already fed up because nothing is happening with the Queens Child Project building and he is also running low on funds. Garrity seems to have an eye for Ghost, why does it always seem to be the powerful women on this show have a thing for ain’t sh*t men? Ghost can sense the lust, and he’s obviously feeding off it and is working Garrity, so much to the point, she wants to use him and his estranged wife to hammer home Tate’s message locally. Ghost quickly tells Ramona that he and Tasha are heading towards divorce and her eyes light up a like a Christmas tree. Tate is stunned at the revelation, but he can’t go against Garrity. Now, this wouldn’t be Power if there was some sneaky mess going on right? Both Garrity and Tate meet up with Tasha to enlist her help despite Ghost telling them he wants to work alone. Knowing that they need her, Tasha uses the moment to get the daycare license and other things she needs to get her new “legitimate business” off and running. Riq Is Learning The Drug Game Is Hard Source: Power / Starz R iq, aka Ghost 2.0, is the big man on campus now. He’s got some money rolling and a reliable team, but he’s running out of pills to push. He has one stash of pills his dead mentor, Kanan gave him stashed in his deceased sister’s room, but he knows it’s not enough. Riq is quickly learning the drug game isn’t easy but gets comfort from his newest recruit, aka Tasha 2.0. The two have a heart-to-heart convo over a game of chess with Riq revealing a lot is going on in his life. Especially with his dad knowing he lied to him about knowing Tommy was alive. Riq also opens up about his sister’s death and how he feels alone after losing his twin. His new friend/associate assures him she is here for the troubled teen. Before the scene closes, Riq tells her that he has no more pills because his drug connect, Kanan is dead. Will Jason’s Plan To Kidnap Alicia Jiminez Somehow Unite Ghost and Tommy? Source: Power / Starz Jason is really taking advantage of the beef between Ghost and Tommy. Last week he found a way to get money from the former friends and now this week he is using them to take out the competition. Jason hatches a plan to kidnap Alicia Jimenez from federal custody while on her way to trial. Instead of carrying out the scheme himself, he recruits Tommy and Ghost separately giving each of them an incentive if they successfully accomplish the goal. While we really have no idea what Ghost planned to kidnap Alicia, it was Tommy and his goons surprisingly who had the best scheme to capture the drug lord. After Alicia takes a sip of a spiked glass of water that sends her to the bathroom, Tommy’s new ride-or-die chick, Keisha sends her boo the message that Jimenez is passed out in the bathroom. 2-Bit and Spank show up disguised as EMT workers and wheel here out on a stretcher and load her up into a stolen ambulance. Ghost in his very lame disguise is watching all of it go down right before his eyes in disbelief. He immediately wraps up his attempt at kidnapping Alicia and hops in his escape vehicle. Before he can leave he sees Tommy, and they make eye contact with Egan acknowledging he outsmarted Ghost with a tip of his hat. When the drugged Alicia wakes up, she refuses to reveal her trafficking network, her decision to not talk earns her a bullet to the head. With her dead, Saxe no longer needs Dre and threatens to take his daughter away, but if he agrees to help him nail Ghost, Saxe will pull some favors him. Dre reluctantly agrees and even points out he saw Ghost at the courthouse, but Saxe doesn’t believe him. Looks like Dre has his work cut out for him once again. Ghost, of course, is furious and runs to go talk to Proctor about his failed kidnapping attempt. While breaking the down the entire situation to his attorney tells him that Tommy stopped by asking for the same info. Ghost also reveals to Proctor that he is broke and needs money as soon as possible. Proctor tells his client to think slowly and asks him who can lend him money? With desperate times come desperate measures with Ghost reaching out to Simon Stern for help. Source: Power / Starz Knowing that both he and Tommy are getting played by Jason, Ghost decides to call his former “brother” and suggests they team-up one last time to take out the drug connect. Tommy, on the other hand, is not with that idea and tells Ghost the next time he sees him he’s going to cancel Christmas on that a**. [ione_media_gallery src=”https://cassiuslife.com” id=”96691″ overlay=”true”] Photo: Power/ Starz

‘Power’ Recap: The Jimenez Cartel Have Not ‘Forgot About Dre’ Sends The Goons To Cancel His Christmas

8 Things We Learned from RZA, Erika Alexander & Ashton Sanders on The Breakfast Club

Source: Power 105 / Power 105

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8 Things We Learned from RZA, Erika Alexander & Ashton Sanders on The Breakfast Club

Hall Of Famer Lisa Leslie Makes History With BIG3 Championship Win


Source: Supplied by WENN.com / WENN Season 3 of Ice Cube’s iconic BIG3 has just ended and basketball legend Lisa Leslie’s history-making win with the Triplets has everyone talking! This season as inaugural partners of the BIG3, Toyota wanted to highlight the amazing work of the female trailblazers within the league. Lisa Leslie is the BIG3’s second consecutive female Coach of the Year. Coach Leslie recently joined Toyota for the Women of BIG3 Power Lunch and panel discussion, sharing the importance of strong work ethics and giving back to the community. We love to see it! Sign Up For Our Newsletter! Close Thank you for subscribing! Please be sure to open and click your first newsletter so we can confirm your subscription. Email Submit ALSO TRENDING ON RICKEYSMILEYMORNINGSHOW.COM : Kevin Hart Injured In Car Accident [VIDEO] Simone Biles’ Brother Charged In New Years Eve Triple Murder Actor Supports Transwomen, Reveals He’s Been “Trans Attracted” Text “RICKEY” to 71007 to join the Rickey Smiley Morning Show mobile club for exclusive news.  ( Terms and conditions ). Follow @TheRSMS

Hall Of Famer Lisa Leslie Makes History With BIG3 Championship Win

Black Girl Magic: Hall Of Famer Lisa Leslie Makes History With BIG3 Championship Win

Source: Soul Brother / Soul Brother Hall Of Famer Lisa Leslie Makes History With BIG3 Championship Win Season 3 of Ice Cube’s iconic BIG3 has just ended and basketball legend Lisa Leslie’s history-making win with the Triplets has everyone talking! This season as inaugural partners of the BIG3, Toyota wanted to highlight the amazing work of the female trailblazers within the league. Lisa Leslie is the BIG3’s second consecutive female Coach of the Year. Coach Leslie recently joined Toyota for the Women of BIG3 Power Lunch and panel discussion, sharing the importance of strong work ethics and giving back to the community. We love to see it!!!

Original post:
Black Girl Magic: Hall Of Famer Lisa Leslie Makes History With BIG3 Championship Win

‘Power’ Recap: Tommy Asks Tasha & Riq “Whose Side Are You On?” After Ghost’s Failed To Cancel His Christmas

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Source: Starz / Power L ast week, Angela Valdes’ death on the Power’s premiere set the tone for the show’s sixth and final season, and that is revenge . Ghost thinks he has settled the score with Tommy after he sprayed his iconic mustang with bullets. He will learn that he was sadly mistaken and just made matters much worse for himself. Ghost Is Getting Played Like A Fool Source: Starz / Power G host firmly believes he killed Tommy that night, but we all know that wasn’t the case, so Jason decides to use that to his advantage. James’ lust for revenge comes with some severe consequences cause now he has to explain himself to Jason. After surveying his handy work on Tommy’s bullet-riddled mustang, Ghost meets up with the druglord to clarify that the hit wasn’t aimed at him or his crew, but just at his former business partner. He goes into his struggling piggy bank to make a peace offering to Jason and after some convincing gets him to accept it. BUT, Jason, of course, knows he has the upper hand on Ghost and decides to make him pay $100K every two weeks to keep him from retaliating against him. Ghost has no choice but to agree to the lopsided arrangement and at the same time has no idea he is getting played. The deceit doesn’t end there. The two people he thought he could trust the most, his son and his estranged wife Tasha, are also playing him like a fiddle. They too also know that Tommy is not dead but plays along and hatch plans with his rival behind his back. He will soon learn about all of this at the worst possible time, and we will touch on that in a bit. Tommy Has The Advantage Source: Starz / Power W ith Ghost believing that he is dead, Tommy knows he has an advantage, and he decides to use it. His first move while “dead” is to get people on his side and he manages to recruit both Tasha and Riq. Tasha wants a divorce, but thanks to their prenup, she gets nothing because she initiated the proceedings. With Ghost dead, she can get all of his money and assets plus the revenge she seeks for him killing the “love of her life,” Terry Silver. Riq just can’t stand his dad and wants him out of the way, and he has no feelings if Uncle Tommy kills his pops. Tommy also uses the time to school Keisha onto the game. She is down for the cause and Tasha advises her to keep her and Kash happy so she won’t dime them out. Keisha, on the other hand, is over the St.Patricks and wants her boo to stop talking to Tasha altogether and is excited to be involved with Tommy’s drug business. Funny we remember she was all against that a few seasons ago but whatever. Jason is cleverly using this whole Ghost vs. Tommy thing to his advantage as well. He tells Tommy that he cannot kill Ghost because basically, he would be out of $100K payments every two weeks. Jason doesn’t reveal that to Tommy, of course. He offers Tommy protection, but it won’t come free, and if he misses a payment, Jason will tell his guys to sit back and let Ghost kill him. With the upper hand, Tommy will make a colossal move later that we will touch on that will shake Ghost to his core and hit him where it hurts. Ghost and Tasha 2.0? Source: Starz / Power W hile his parents are currently beginning the divorce process, Riq is at Choate working on becoming the man he hates so much… his dad. No longer satisfied with just getting good grades and living his best life, the oldest seed of Ghost is now a pill-pushing hustler. Riq has a very lucrative drug business going on at his school and is using his roommate to help push his product. It looks like Uncle Tommy and the lessons from his mentor Kanan are rubbing off on him. But like any good business, word spreads around very fast. Riq’s drug dealing ways has caught the attention of another Black student who requests to have a conversation with Riq. Unlike Riq, she is from the hood, but is about her studies (sounds very familiar) and feels that being both she and he is a handful of Black kids at the school his decision to peddle pills is only adding to the stereotype. Of course, Riq doesn’t give a damn what she thinks and hits her with a clever counteroffer to join his crew which will provide her with the opportunity to make some real money to improve her conditions at Choate. His pitch works because she shows up later at his dorm room and accepts his offer. The new business partners and more than likely couple go inside to play some video games. If this doesn’t sound precisely like Ghost and Tasha’s origin story, we don’t know what does. Brilliant, young, Black woman getting involved with a knuckled head teen boy, this just screams James and Tasha 2.0. We see what you’re doing here Power writers. Paz Makes A Tough Decision Source: Starz / Power P oor Paz, she is really not handling the death of her sister well. Not only does she not have the money to pay for the funeral — keep in mind she told Jamie no — Angela’s benefits are being held up too. Annoying ass Saxe reveals to her that due to Angela’s complicated involvement in the case the government is holding the funds up. He vowes to help speed things up but needs more information from Paz. She is still fed up because he hasn’t arrested Ghost yet and thought that allowing Saxe to perform an autopsy on her sister would help. Newsflash it won’t. Saxe tells her he will keep working to put James behind bars and to share anything she finds of relevance in Angie’s belongings with him. While going through her sister’s things in the deceased government prosecutor’s apartment, she stumbles upon the burner phone she used to speak with Tasha. She texts the number she believes belongs to Ghost asking to meet up but has no idea it’s his estranged wife on the other end. Paz is surprised to find out that she was speaking with Tasha but learns that Angela was working with the St.Patricks and had no intention of flipping on Ghost. Tasha also convinces Paz that Ghost didn’t kill her sister at all. After leaving the meeting with some new clarity on the situation, she makes a tough decision. She learns from the pastor that someone paid for the cost of the funeral, she decides to find out who. She immediately calls Saxe to see if he was able to get Angela’s benefits to clear, he says they are still being held up. After she hangs up the call, she texts Tasha and says thank you because she figured it out that Jame’s wife paid the funeral costs. It’s there she decides to bury her sister’s secrets with her, and she puts the burner phone in Angela’s casket. Finally, Paz does something right. Proctor Has A Problem Source: Starz / Power O ur favorite attorney has a big problem, his wife is back. Saxe is desperately trying to find some dirt on Ghost and thinks Proctor has it all. He recruits Proctor’s ex-wife who manages to convince Saxe to give her a recommendation for a job at a firm. In return, it will her be able to see her daughter again, allowing her to place a bug hidden in a unicorn on her daughter’s backpack so the feds can listen in on Proctor. During the custody hearing, Proctor is blindsided by his ex-wife’s power move after she announces she has a job to the judge. During a chamber meeting, the judge asked Proctor’s daughter to choose who she wanted to stay with. Proctor’s daughter breaks down because of the pressure of having to choose between her parents. After seeing enough, he grants his coke head ex-wife joint custody. Little does he know he played right into Saxe’s hands. Councilman Tate Doesn’t Trust Ghost Source: Starz / Power C ouncilman Tate makes his season six debut, and he is just as conniving as ever. Tate wants to be Governor more than anything and doesn’t need Ghost and his problems sinking his election bid. The shady figures have a heart-to-heart and Ghost assures him that Angela’s death and his alleged involvement will not be a problem. Tate still allows Ghost to be a part of his campaign but wants him to keep his mouth shut. Now, do you think Ghost is going to listen? Of course not. During a press conference where Tate gets grilled about having St. Patrick on his team as well as Angela’s death. Things get testy when a constituent from the old neighborhood busts in demanding answers from Tate. The upset neighborhood local also calls Ghost out for his past, pointing out that he ain’t nothing but a former corner boy. Ghost hearing enough from the disgruntled man decides to jump in and speak much to the chagrin of Tate. We quickly learn that Tate saw an opportunity in the bungled press conference. He meets up with the angry constituent and offers him a job. Tate wants him to follow Ghost and do some “research” on him. He agrees to do Tate’s bidding, but we know he more than likely just signed his death warrant. Nobody gets the upper hand on Ghost. We also finally get to see THE REAL Rashad Tate, not the fake political figure we have grown accustomed too. Tommy Harlem Shakes At Angela’s Funeral Source: Starz / Power I t’s finally time to say goodbye to Angela Valdes. In a very somber moment, all of Power’s most prominent players gather to pay their respects to the fallen prosecutor. Tameika is also on hand to say farewell to her former employee. She and Saxe engage in a conversation to catch up and update each other on the case. Tameika suggests to Saxe that he should leave before his new boss gets rid of him too. Saxe still firmly believes that Ghost is responsible for everything while Tameika is still skeptical. Their conversation stops when Ghost and Tasha appear surprising all of them. Things get even more interesting when Tommy — Angela’s killer — walks in pays his respects to both Paz and Angie’s sobbing dad. D I S R E S P E C T F U L. Ghost is absolutely stunned because: Tommy is still alive. Tommy has the balls to show up at Angela’s funeral, knowing he killed her. His wife, Tasha, and his son lied to him about Tommy being alive. After Tommy’s stunt at the funeral,. Ghost immediately runs to talk to Jason and wants to know why he didn’t tell him. Jason tells him that he had to protect his interest because Tommy is his distro. Ghost isn’t trying to hear that and wants his former best friend dead. Jason gives him permission to kill Tommy, but of course, there is a big stipulation. If Ghost does manage to eliminate Tommy, he will have to replace him as the new distro. Ghost has no desire to get back in the game, Jason tells him he doesn’t care how he does it, but if James does kill Tommy, he has to be replaced. Oh man, Tommy’s move was spicier than Popeye’s spicy chicken sandwich. Forgot About Dre? Source: Starz / Power W e have been wondering where Dre was, and we finally learn what he has been up to. He is currently under witness protection and is set to testify against Alicia Jimenez. He has no idea that Angela is dead and learns after news of her funeral hits the television. Dre discovering that Angela is deceased is the fed’s most significant fear because they feel it will spook him out of testifying. After Jerry stops by to inform him that are moving him and his daughter to another secure location, Dre looks like he is now more determined to get back in the game. Things are starting to get real exciting quickly in the world of Power . The game is wide open, and it would seem the Power writers are positioning Dre for an opportunity to take over with Ghost not wanting to deal drugs any longer. Photo: Power/Starz [ione_media_gallery src=”https://cassiuslife.com” id=”96691″ overlay=”true”]

‘Power’ Recap: Tommy Asks Tasha & Riq “Whose Side Are You On?” After Ghost’s Failed To Cancel His Christmas

Looking To Lose Some LB’s? This $21 Tracker is Your Secret Weapon

Let’s be real: getting in shape is tough, but it’s not impossible. With a little bit of motivation and moderation, you can crush your fitness goals like a champ. Of course, having a little extra help doesn’t hurt. That’s where the Fitness Tracker Watch V21 comes into the picture, and it’s on sale now for only $21.99. Fitness Tracker Watch V21 gives you the power to track your fitness goals in one place. Featuring everything you need to stay on top of your health, it records the steps you take, the distance you travel, the time you spend working out, and the number of calories you burn. When you’ve been idle for an extended period of time, it also reminds you to walk or exercise. It even continues to work while you’re getting your shuteye. It monitors sleep time and quality, so you know if you need a change in your sleeping habits. Not only that, but it’s also capable of monitoring your heart rate and blood pressure. In addition to monitoring your fitness, this tracker can also serve as a Bluetooth camera remote, as well as feature SMS, information, and call reminders. The Fitness Tracker Watch V21 typically goes for $80, but for a limited time, you can get it on sale for $21.99 — a savings of 72 percent. Prices are subject to change. Bossip has teamed up with StackCommerce to bring you the best deals on the web. We may get a share of the revenue from your purchase.

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Looking To Lose Some LB’s? This $21 Tracker is Your Secret Weapon

Hate Your Job? Level Up Into A Better Career With This Course

We’re all itching to climb that career ladder, but who’s got time to go back to school? Fun fact: You don’t need another degree to get the promotion you’re after. Learn the right skills, and that title – plus the juicy raise that comes with it – is as good as yours. When it comes to upping your hire-ability, you really can’t go wrong with learning Excel, and the Ultimate Excel Bootcamp Bundle makes getting there basically painless. It’s on sale for only $49 today. While you may have played around with Excel in the past, this course takes your knowledge into turbo drive. You’ll dive into learning all the popular formulas and move on to more advanced concepts like PivotTables, PowerPivot, and VBA. By the time you finish, you’ll have mastered how to automate spreadsheets, visualize data, solve complex problems, and a whole lot more that’s bound to get your boss’ attention. Pick up the Ultimate Excel Bootcamp Bundle today for $49 . That’s a 96% discount from the usual cost of $1,380. Prices are subject to change. Bossip has teamed up with StackCommerce to bring you the best deals on the web. We may get a share of the revenue from your purchase.  

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Hate Your Job? Level Up Into A Better Career With This Course

UPDATE: Kevin Hart Suffered Back Injuries In Car Crash, Hospitalized In Los Angeles

Source: D’USSE / D’usse Kevin Hart Car Crash Update Kevin Hart is recovering after a scary car crash. As previously reported Kevin was one of three passengers inside his Plymouth Barracuda when it crashed just before 1 AM Sunday on the Mulholland Highway. Crash scene video shows that the car smashed through wooden fencing along the roadside and the roof was completely crushed by the impact. Now The Blast has more details and they’re adding that the comedian is hospitalized in Los Angeles and even though he may need back surgery, “doctors are optimistic he will make a full recovery.” Kevin who was reported to have suffered “major back injuries” did not suffer a “spinal cord injury,” and the comedian is, “able to walk and move his extremities.” Great news. In case you’re curious about who was in the car with Kevin, RadarOnline reports that his friend Jared S. Black, was driving the car and there was one other passenger– Hart and his wife Eniko Parrish‘s personal trainer Rebecca Broxterman, 31. Police do not believe Black was intoxicated at the time. Celebs are rallying around Kevin and sending him well wishes. View this post on Instagram Stop messing with my emotions brother @kevinhart4real. We have a lot more laughing to do together. Love you man. Stay strong A post shared by therock (@therock) on Sep 1, 2019 at 10:13pm PDT View this post on Instagram Aight now Hurry up & Shake tf back ASAP big bro so we can laugh about this shit…. It’s a lotta love & genuine respect out here for you. You mean so much to so many!!! My family’s thoughts and prayers are with you & all of yours!!!! @kevinhart4real A post shared by TIP (@troubleman31) on Sep 2, 2019 at 4:10am PDT Get well soon!

UPDATE: Kevin Hart Suffered Back Injuries In Car Crash, Hospitalized In Los Angeles

BRING JOE BACK: Trey Songz’s Shaky “Power” Intro Returns For Episode 2, Gets Re-Dragged To Hell

When I heard Trey Songz singing #PowerSeason6 Intro pic.twitter.com/ytw1VmdgZe — Simeõn Tong (@Dcstunna_Dread) August 25, 2019 Pettiest Reactions To Starz Sticking With Trey’s Intro Another week, another relentless wave of Trey Songz slander fueled by 50 Cent & Starz remixing the classic, Joe-performed “Big Rich Town” intro for the sixth and final season in a genuinely BAFFLING decision that has fans on edge. It all started with medium spicy banter from fans thrown off by a less-than-amazing intro remix and quickly spilled onto Trey’s IG comments where he’s been bullied since last Sunday. At one point, things got so spicy that 50 Cent promised to change the intro back to the original (which he clearly didn’t) in the latest hilariously petty chapter of our fave premium TV saga. Trey Songz: “tHey saYYy ThiS is a biG riCh tOwN” #Power Me: pic.twitter.com/KAD9pPPZzn — Abey Baby (@freshprince_cr7) September 1, 2019 Peep the pettiest reactions to Trey Songz’s popping up on Episode 2 on the flip.

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BRING JOE BACK: Trey Songz’s Shaky “Power” Intro Returns For Episode 2, Gets Re-Dragged To Hell

We Got The Cheat Code: Learn The Digital Marketing Secrets Of Silicon Valley For Just $35

What do Glossier, Warby Parker, and Dollar Shave Club have in common? They all have their digital marketing game on lock. It’s not surprising that they have amassed such a large customer base in such a short amount of time. These startups use the power of Instagram posts, tweets, stories, newsletters, bite-sized videos, and more to build their respective empires. If you have any hope of forging a career in the digital marketing field, or maybe just want to learn its ropes to increase the profile of your business online like the aforementioned brands, you should know that it takes more than just quirky tweets and stunning imagery to make it big. The Silicon Valley Digital Marketer Bundle can provide all the training and resources you need to become an elite digital marketer, and you can pick it up today for only $35 . This 11-course bundle covers everything from copywriting and email marketing to social media and affiliate marketing. You’ll get to grips with writing words that sell, optimizing Facebook ads for increased conversions and decreased costs, and growing a subscriber list from scratch. You’ll also master how to set up and run Google AdWords campaigns, grow a 6-digit following on Instagram, generate affiliate commissions, and a whole lot more. Typically $1,633, the Silicon Valley Digital Marketer Bundle is now on sale for $35 — a savings of a whopping 97 percent. Prices are subject to change. Bossip has teamed up with StackCommerce to bring you the best deals on the web. We may get a share of the revenue from your purchase.   The Silicon Valley Digital Marketer Bundle – $35 See Deal

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We Got The Cheat Code: Learn The Digital Marketing Secrets Of Silicon Valley For Just $35