Tag Archives: prairie-dog

Lee Doren of How the World Works Slams Annie Leonard’s Story of Cosmetics

Image: How the World Works critiques The Story of Cosmetics Lee Doren, at How the World Works , has produced a critique of Annie Leonard’s The Story of Cosmetics . Always wanting to hear both sides of the story, we took a look. We discovered the usual arguments against consumer safety regulations. … Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Lee Doren of How the World Works Slams Annie Leonard’s Story of Cosmetics

Carnivorous Mice Wiping Out Prairie Dog Towns

Photo via Stanford University The plague has become common problem among prairie dog colonies and it has devastated populations over the past few decades. It will hit and wipe out a colony, then when a new colony moves in to the abandoned tunnels, the plague reappears and wipes them out as well. The cycles have confounded researchers so far, with mystery surrounding how the plague seems to lay dormant until new victims arrive. But scientists from Standford University have figured it out — the secret to what is bringing down prairie dog towns is lin… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Carnivorous Mice Wiping Out Prairie Dog Towns