Tag Archives: pride-flag

Pink Waves Gay Pride Flag, Embraces Lesbian Chatter

Pink is taking a page from the book of Miley Cyrus . A couple weeks after Cyrus thanked critics who accused her of being gay, Pink has gone ahead and done the same. The artist performed Saturday in Sydney, Australia and happily pranced around at one point with a gay pride flag while singing the song “Trouble.” Pink Waves Gay Pride Flag In response, a few idiots on Twitter went off on Pink, labeling her a lesbian and firing off other anti-gay comments. But Pink wasn’t exactly phased by the vitriol. “Fun fact:when you twitter me and say ‘you’re a lesbian’ it really doesn’t bother me at all. It’s a compliment. Most of my fav ppl are,” wrote the Grammy winner, adding: “I’m sure all of you hate filled humans can come up with something a little worse than that?!? Come on- be creative. You have 140 characters!” Are you up for the challenge, haters? Give Pink your worst. It sure sounds like she can handle it.

See the article here:
Pink Waves Gay Pride Flag, Embraces Lesbian Chatter