Tag Archives: priorities-were

Kate Hudson is Kinda Lookin Hot for an Old Washed Up Slut of the Day

#452166254 / gettyimages.com Kate Hudson went to an event the other day and she looked good enough for me to forget that not only does she have a bunch of kids, she’s also slept with everyone in hollywood, which makes her kind of gross and statistically pretty high risk for Herpes, not that you care about that, since every hooker you bang is also high risk for herpes…but it’s still nice to point out…along with the fact that she only had a career because of her parents, that career proved to the world that acting requires very little effort or talent, it’s a fucking joke and they are all laughing at us… But someone who isn’t laughing at us, or these pics, is Owen Wilson who tried to kill himself because of this girl…because she’s either just that good, or he’s just that broken…who cares…she’s in leather and wearing a push up bra…works for me. #452165148 / gettyimages.com #452157544 / gettyimages.com #452157556 / gettyimages.com TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE

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Kate Hudson is Kinda Lookin Hot for an Old Washed Up Slut of the Day

Kellie Pickler Bikini on Twitter of the Day

Kellie Pickler is the American Idol hick, that I have a feeling wasn’t actually a hick, but rather someone they pulled out of some diner in the middle of no where and mind fucked the world with to make Simon Cowell a lot of money. You know using TV to manipulate the world into giving him money, like some kind of TV Evagelist, only instead of Jesus and God, motherfucker uses shitty fucking songs. That said, my favorite thing I remember about her was her tribute to her grandpappy from whatever backwoods Appalachian mountain shanty he used to have sex with her in…his coal covered hands all over her budding young breasts… Breasts she had augmented the second she got famous…because I guess her priorities were in the right place…some people go on a vacation with their first million, or buy a house, this girl got tits… Tits she’s put in a bikini…for the internet….

Continued here:
Kellie Pickler Bikini on Twitter of the Day