Tag Archives: career-because

‘Don’t Be Scared’ Episode 46: Jennifer Williams & Karamo Brown Dish On ‘The Next:15’

“Don’t Be Scared” Episode 46 On the latest episode of “Don’t Be Scared” David, Danni and Jah chat with “The Next:15” stars Jennifer Williams and Karamo Brown. Jennifer previously of “Basketball Wives” and Karamo of “The Real World: Philadelphia”, dished on their new show that includes Claudia Jordan, New York, Laura Govan and Benzino as they strive to generate their next 15 minutes of fame. Jennifer revealed that she’s not really feeling Karamo’s buddy Claudia Jordan… “Claudia, it’s just like oil and water we don’t mix. I’m fine with that.” 36:40 and Karamo revealed that Tiffany “New York” Pollard isn’t really his cup of tea. “I feel like NeNe has a career because of her but the thing is it’s cute to watch but it’s not cute to deal with. Everyone else on the cast is sane, we all have our turn up moments but we’re not spastic.” 34:50 Later Karamo dishes on being a gay dad, Jennifer talks her ex Cisco of #LHHNY and they both reveal what fans can expect on their docu-series. The Next: 15 Premieres TONIGHT  Wednesday, February 10 at 9PM /ET on TV One.  Listen to the latest episode of “Don’t Be Scared” above!   @BossipDBS @HipHopObama @DanniCanada @DavidDTSS @KaramoBrown @JenniferWilliams

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‘Don’t Be Scared’ Episode 46: Jennifer Williams & Karamo Brown Dish On ‘The Next:15’

Bella Hadid is a Good Time…in a bikini….of the Day

Bella Hadid is the second in line Gigi Hadid…I assume they are sisters and share the same fame whore parents who moved to LA from whatever immigrant countries they are from to make stupid LA money and live out their basic LA dreams by becoming Botox rich people, yet still the fucking trashiest people, willing to whore out their kids, like they whored out themselves, or in her dad’s case, like he’s bought whores new to LA, because they needed a place to sleep and he needed head.. All this to say, this vapid, garbage, rich kid turned model thing is a joke, but as long as the bikini pics in tropical places are involved, and they are, because that’s just how social media works, I’ll look, since I’m a simple man who just likes bikini and has nothing else going on…whether bikinis are on kids thrown into modeling to compete with other rich people kid who star in reality shows, or some homeless hooker in her 60s down the street spread legged and tanning…give it to me. If you don’t like that – here’s GIGI, her sister, getting paid a lot to play pictionary with Michael Kors…wearing a tight dress…but more interestingly, acknowledging that she only has a career because of her instagram followers and without instagram she’d be nothing but a rich kid with another fake career…more importantly…she outlines how hungry she is…always hot from fake models…. The post Bella Hadid is a Good Time…in a bikini….of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Bella Hadid is a Good Time…in a bikini….of the Day

Drunk Charlie Sheen and Other Videos of the Day

Store Gets Robbed While Woman Sleeps Guy Pepper Sprays an Addict A Kid in the “Teen Demolition Derby”…Ran Over His Dad Running on Hot Coals Fail

Drunk Charlie Sheen and Other Videos of the Day

Kate Hudson is Kinda Lookin Hot for an Old Washed Up Slut of the Day

#452166254 / gettyimages.com Kate Hudson went to an event the other day and she looked good enough for me to forget that not only does she have a bunch of kids, she’s also slept with everyone in hollywood, which makes her kind of gross and statistically pretty high risk for Herpes, not that you care about that, since every hooker you bang is also high risk for herpes…but it’s still nice to point out…along with the fact that she only had a career because of her parents, that career proved to the world that acting requires very little effort or talent, it’s a fucking joke and they are all laughing at us… But someone who isn’t laughing at us, or these pics, is Owen Wilson who tried to kill himself because of this girl…because she’s either just that good, or he’s just that broken…who cares…she’s in leather and wearing a push up bra…works for me. #452165148 / gettyimages.com #452157544 / gettyimages.com #452157556 / gettyimages.com TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE

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Kate Hudson is Kinda Lookin Hot for an Old Washed Up Slut of the Day

Julia Louis Dreyfus Fucking a Clown in Rolling Stone of the Day

I saw these pictures of Julia Louis Dreyfus for Rolling Stone last week, where she’s naked and sexed up, but I missed the whole storyline of her fucking a clown, which are pretty fucking amazing and disturbing all at the same time, for obvious reasons, like the fact that she’s in her 60s….and naked….I mean Seinfeld was on TV in the 90s and she was in her 40s then, so do the fucking math motherfuckers…coupled with the fact that clowns are creepy and more importantly with the fact that I am getting turned on by the whole thing…but maybe I’m just into Jewish billionaires who went on to make their own 100s of millions of dollars through a joke of a career because daddy’s real estate empire wasn’t satisfying enough for hers….and one family can’t have too much money..but I think it’ got more to do with her public area being waxed down and not looking’ old and beat the fuck up. I like it.

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Julia Louis Dreyfus Fucking a Clown in Rolling Stone of the Day

Babe Washing a Motorbike Erotically of the Day

This is my kind of fail, but I am just an asshole. I like seeing girls fail, especially girls who you know think they are hot, because if they didn’t think they were hot, they wouldn’t be half naked and washing motorcycles for a crowd, hoping to be some kind of superstar they think they deserve to be, while running the promo model game to the top like they were Marisa Miller….you know the kind of girl who would snob you out unless you were someone important…making this video awesome.

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Babe Washing a Motorbike Erotically of the Day

Sarah Jessica Parker in a Bathing Suit of the Day

If you can divert yourself from trying to understand how a face can be that long…and still be considered human…you’ll see she’s in a bathing suit…slowly melting away… If you’re into Equus, and discovered your sexuality towards horses watching SEX and the CITY, a show that ruined a generation of women who’s uteruses just want to be impregnated, but are neglected because of the HPV from random hook-ups and career because bitches need designer fucking shoes, all thanks to being written by a gay dude, when society really needs icons who are just good homemakers….great laundry washers….amazing dishwasher emptiers like this was the 1950s. A simpler time… You’ll probably like this…I know her homosexual husband sure does. He sings show tunes about the shit. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE

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Sarah Jessica Parker in a Bathing Suit of the Day

Pam Anderson is Haggard as Fuck but Trying to Look Vibrant of the Day

Pam Anderson is slowly morphing into what may be a cartoon character, because I guess when you are dying of hepatits that you got being a whore, coupled with only having a career because people jerked off to your big fake tits in a time big fake tits weren’t everywhere, puts a lot of pressuere on a bitch when it comes to attending events…Botox and Facelifts for everyone….but it’s nice to see she hasn’t lost her core….as she licks her PETA stamp….unless this is the equivalent of an old burlesque dancer putting on her tap shoes at the old folks home to show everyone she’s still got it….Either way, who cares, it’s fun to point and laugh at someone who thought she was too good to fuck you at her prime….as she falls the fuck apart…but tries to play it up all cute….something a face that hard can never be..

Pam Anderson is Haggard as Fuck but Trying to Look Vibrant of the Day