Tag Archives: kill-himself

Kate Hudson’s Rumored Look-A-Like Nude Pics of the Day

You know the drill. If these pics of some random stranger are of Kate Hudson – like they are rumored to be – but that we don’t believe… Her legal team will reach us and let us know… If they are of her, they are definitely tame as fuck, almost hot, romantic, erotic…posed like she knows not to get too fucking graphic in a world where anything you upload to the internet…even when you think it is private…is never private….which is logical.. So these may be the tits that made Owen Wilson want to kill himself, but they could also be pretty much anyone else….with small tits and a round ass.. Looking good though… The post Kate Hudson’s Rumored Look-A-Like Nude Pics of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Kate Hudson’s Rumored Look-A-Like Nude Pics of the Day

Kate Hudson Workout Erotica of the Day

Kate Hudson is still hot in her own right despite being old and used up…so long as you can’t see her face filled now asian looking face – because they went too fucking aggressive on her…so she now looks asian… But her mom booty is into fitness, and looking fit, the kind of booty that in its younger years almost made Owen Wilson kill himself, making it seem to be a pretty talented booty, however, when I think about it, the only booty that’s made me want to kill myself is my wife’s she’s disgusting…so it can go either way….either it’s too good, or too bad for him, and from this perspective, it’s good enough….especially at 40…makes me want to hit the gym midday for some mom ass while the kids are in school pussy hanging out of their yoga pants erotica….but not really…I’ll just watch the video… The post Kate Hudson Workout Erotica of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Kate Hudson Workout Erotica of the Day

Kate Hudson Naked Ass in a Bikini of the Day

Kate Hudson posted this picture of her ass, an ass that may be old, in a picture that may be old, but that is also a mom ass, a celebrated ass, an ass that people compare to her mom’s ass, an ass that garners attention and has since she was 16 and first going out to parties, an ass that has been fucked a lot by a lot of industry men…an ass that is clearly free spirited and ready to be watched…because she’s still a rich kid ass, spoiled brat ass, with daddy issues ass that has an ego….and likes being seen…or exposed…an ass that is a bit of a tyrant psychopath…that almost made Owen Wilson kill himself…an ass that probably has herpes, but that’s ok…it’s Kate Hudson’s ass and as uneventful as she is…this ass is what defines her and who she is…and I’m liking it…even though I normally fear anything older than 30… She’s done good with this social media thing…let us see those true colors and/or ass.. The post Kate Hudson Naked Ass in a Bikini of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Kate Hudson Naked Ass in a Bikini of the Day

Kate Hudson’s in a Bikini in Greece of the Day

Here’s a hot picture of Kate Hudson in Europe, where we can assume she’s fucking Owen Wilson, because she made him practically kill himself a few years ago, she’s got that kind of impact…because he’s filming Zoolander 2 out there, and it would make sense…at least for the sake of this post…because I like starting rumors of has-beens no one cares about anymore… That said, they do care about nude bikinis, that make a girl look nude, and mom bodies that look like this because they are good genes, and more importantly because they grew up in the superficial hell that is hollywood thanks to mommy Golide… She’s managed to fuck a lot of dudes, but I’d still let her sit on my face, like an old man with a metal detector on the beach, just lookin’ for gold…and willing to suck out the used condoms to get there…not that she uses condoms…maybe just for anal on days she eats…amazing. The post Kate Hudson’s in a Bikini in Greece of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Kate Hudson’s in a Bikini in Greece of the Day

Scott Stapp psych hold

Following Scott Stapp psych hold, his estranged wife Jacyln, who has filed for divorce, filed new documents claiming Stapp threatened to kill himself and his AA sponsor and that he hears voices and has visions of people on fire. Stapp also reportedly left a message at his kids’ school on Nov. 10 warning the dean the school was under an ISIS attack. Not good. Creed frontman Scott Stapp was placed on a psychiatric hold days before his confessional Facebook video, TMZ reports. According to docume

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Scott Stapp psych hold

Drunk Charlie Sheen and Other Videos of the Day

Store Gets Robbed While Woman Sleeps Guy Pepper Sprays an Addict A Kid in the “Teen Demolition Derby”…Ran Over His Dad Running on Hot Coals Fail

Drunk Charlie Sheen and Other Videos of the Day

Kate Hudson is Kinda Lookin Hot for an Old Washed Up Slut of the Day

#452166254 / gettyimages.com Kate Hudson went to an event the other day and she looked good enough for me to forget that not only does she have a bunch of kids, she’s also slept with everyone in hollywood, which makes her kind of gross and statistically pretty high risk for Herpes, not that you care about that, since every hooker you bang is also high risk for herpes…but it’s still nice to point out…along with the fact that she only had a career because of her parents, that career proved to the world that acting requires very little effort or talent, it’s a fucking joke and they are all laughing at us… But someone who isn’t laughing at us, or these pics, is Owen Wilson who tried to kill himself because of this girl…because she’s either just that good, or he’s just that broken…who cares…she’s in leather and wearing a push up bra…works for me. #452165148 / gettyimages.com #452157544 / gettyimages.com #452157556 / gettyimages.com TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE

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Kate Hudson is Kinda Lookin Hot for an Old Washed Up Slut of the Day

Audrina Patridge Ready to Ditch The Hills

Audrina Patridge is so totally over The Hills. “I’m graduating,” she told me with a laugh this weekend while promoting her new horror movie, Sorority Row.

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Audrina Patridge Ready to Ditch The Hills

Coroner: Suicide Still in Play in DJ AM Death

Did DJ AM kill himself? Maybe.

Coroner: Suicide Still in Play in DJ AM Death