Tag Archives: know-the-drill

Kris Jenner to Caitlyn Jenner: QUIT LYING!

You know the drill by now: Caitlyn Jenner released her memoir , The Secrets of My Life, she talked a lot of trash about her whole family, and nobody is into it. We've seen the whole sad thing play out for a while now, on Keeping Up with the Kardashians and in various interviews. Kris Jenner is especially upset with Caitlyn , because by many counts, she's the biggest villain in the book. Caitlyn wrote that Kris knew that she was transgender from the beginning but that she forced her to stay in the closet, and that she wouldn't let her spend her own money. Kim, Khloe and Kourtney have all spoken out in support of their mother, and so has Kendall Jenner . Each and every one of them has said the same thing: that Caitlyn isn't being truthful. And in this new sneak peek for tonight's episode of Keeping Up with the Kardashians, Kris is not holding back about her feelings. In the clip, Kris and Kim are talking about the book — Kim seems to be the only one in the family who's read the entire thing. As Kim tells Kris, “She has her thoughts and you have your thoughts, and that's fine. But I do feel like there's a way to tell your side of the story without being so negative.” “Like everything is always your fault,” she says to Kris, who agrees. Kim brings up Caitlyn's claims that Kris took all her checks, and that seems to be one topic that really fires her up. As Kris explains, Caitlyn “never paid a bill from 1972” until, presumably, they divorced and she became single. She says that, in the book, Caitlyn writes that all of her Keeping Up with the Kardashians paychecks “went to Kris.” “'Went to Kris?'” she begins. “How about 'it went to the mortgage and the insurance and education'?” Kris also says that when she began dating Caitlyn, she asked how her last marriage ended, and Caitlyn “weaves this elaborate story.” “Cait could have told me the story that she writes about in her book, which is 'gee, Linda got so angry and nasty that Cait had to tell her about her gender dysphoria.'” “Why wouldn't you have just told me what happened with Linda so at least I could make my own decision if I wanted to get married to someone who really wanted to be a woman?” she asks. Meanwhile, Kim is not in the mood to beat around anymore bushes, and says that Caitlyn “just literally started three families with three different people and f-cked everyone over.” Kris adds that Caitlyn can't handle that, so she made her the scapegoat . Watch all the drama unfold in the video below:

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Kris Jenner to Caitlyn Jenner: QUIT LYING!

Kate Hudson’s Rumored Look-A-Like Nude Pics of the Day

You know the drill. If these pics of some random stranger are of Kate Hudson – like they are rumored to be – but that we don’t believe… Her legal team will reach us and let us know… If they are of her, they are definitely tame as fuck, almost hot, romantic, erotic…posed like she knows not to get too fucking graphic in a world where anything you upload to the internet…even when you think it is private…is never private….which is logical.. So these may be the tits that made Owen Wilson want to kill himself, but they could also be pretty much anyone else….with small tits and a round ass.. Looking good though… The post Kate Hudson’s Rumored Look-A-Like Nude Pics of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Kate Hudson’s Rumored Look-A-Like Nude Pics of the Day

Washington Cops Shoot And Kill Pregnant Mother Of Three Inside Her Own Home, Claim She Had A Gun

Pregnant Native American Mother Of Three Shot Dead By Police Another mentally disturbed woman has been shot dead by police sent to “check on her” and ensure her safety. This time, it was a Native American pregnant mother of three. According to the Seattle Times , 23-year-old Renee Davis had suffered bouts of depression off and on for many years. According to her foster sister, she had texted someone earlier in the night saying that she was having a rough moment. The person she texted apparently called authorities, leading sherriff’s deputies to make a “wellness check” at her home on Muckleshoot Native American tribal lands shortly after 6:30 p.m. Davis’ family has a multitude of questions over what happened next. The Washington Post reports that no one answered the door when officers arrived on the scene. They knocked once more, again receiving no answer…that’s when deputies say they noticed two young children running around inside the home, at which point they entered. They say that is when they discovered Davis with a handgun. Deputies haven’t given further details, but at some point during their encounter with the pregnant woman, police opened fire on her , striking her at least once. She was pronounced dead on the scene. Davis’ sister says she’d never heard of Davis owning a handgun, though she did have a hunting rifle that she used often to hunt elk and deer on the reservation. Davis’ 2 and 3-year-old children were on the scene at the time of the incident. Her other child, age 5, was at the home of a family friend at the time. SMH!! How is it that police are there to make sure this allegedly suicidal woman doesn’t hurt herself…yet end up killing her instead? And with all those babies around? It doesn’t make much sense. Of course, the officers who did the shooting have been placed on paid administrative leave while the matter is investigated. You know the drill… Facebook

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Washington Cops Shoot And Kill Pregnant Mother Of Three Inside Her Own Home, Claim She Had A Gun

Who Looked More Bangin??? ESPY Awards Edition [40+ Photos]

Celebrities And Athletes Attend 2014 ESPY Awards The ESPY Awards went down last night and along with the comedy from your boy Aubrey Graham , there were some lovely ladies in the building as well. Chrissy Teigen, Laila Ali and Draya all hit up the red carpet with their glamour game in full effect. You already know the drill… Who Looked More Bangin??? Hit the flip for more flicks of some more lovely ladies as well as some fellas – including Floyd Mayweather (with his kiddies), Jesse Williams, Colin Kaepernick, Kevin Durant, and much much more!!!

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Who Looked More Bangin??? ESPY Awards Edition [40+ Photos]

Guess Who Was Spotted Hopping Out Of This Red Mercedes-Benz SLS??

This drop-top gull-winged Mercedes-Benz SLS AMG was seen on the scene in Cali over the weekend. Can you guess whose it is???? You already know the drill!!!

Guess Who Was Spotted Hopping Out Of This Red Mercedes-Benz SLS??

Look What McKayla Maroney Caught!

By now, you guys should all know the drill when it comes to McKayla Maroney bikini pictures. So you’d better be looking at that butterfly. Because if not, I’m not too familiar with the law, but I’m pretty sure there’s no catch and release policy for pervs.

Look What McKayla Maroney Caught!

Look What McKayla Maroney Caught!

By now, you guys should all know the drill when it comes to McKayla Maroney bikini pictures. So you’d better be looking at that butterfly. Because if not, I’m not too familiar with the law, but I’m pretty sure there’s no catch and release policy for pervs.

Look What McKayla Maroney Caught!

Adrianne Curry Flashes Stan Lee

I think you guys all know the drill here, Adrianne Curry went to some nerd convention in yet another revealing space alien or Japanese anime character costume, took her picture with a nerd legend and then tweeted it to all her perverted followers. Luckily, I’m one of those followers. Enjoy.

Adrianne Curry Flashes Stan Lee

I think you guys all know the drill here, Adrianne Curry went to some nerd convention in yet another revealing space alien or Japanese anime character costume, took her picture with a nerd legend and then tweeted it to all her perverted followers. Luckily, I’m one of those followers. Enjoy.

Miley Cyrus Is Back In Her Spandex

Alright, here we go again. I post so many pictures of Miley Cyrus walking around in her workout spandex that I’m sure you know the drill by now. Blah blah blah…. Tight body.