Tag Archives: probably-doing

Izabel Goulart’s Fitness Is The Best Thing On Instagram

I know I’ve said this before, but if you guys aren’t following Izabel Goulart on Instagram yet, you’re missing out on some of the best workout videos ever made. Case in point: here’s the latest pair of videos from the Brazilian Victoria’s Secret hottie, and all I know is, if your wrists and forearms aren’t sore after watching these, then you’re probably doing it wrong. Continue reading

Izabel Goulart’s Fitness Is The Best Thing On Instagram

I know I’ve said this before, but if you guys aren’t following Izabel Goulart on Instagram yet, you’re missing out on some of the best workout videos ever made. Case in point: here’s the latest pair of videos from the Brazilian Victoria’s Secret hottie, and all I know is, if your wrists and forearms aren’t sore after watching these, then you’re probably doing it wrong. Continue reading

Shanay Hall In a Hot Fashion Photoshoot of the Day

Her name is Shanay Hall and she’s not black, despite her name… I don’t know much about fashion, but if this is what it’s about, I’m tempted to pull a Bruno, fag out and trick these bitches into thinking I’m important enough to try to convert to heterosexuality via coked up blowjobs to advance their careers..Imagine the blowjobs…these hungry models give while taking out their hunger, sucking up any nutrients, even if it is only 10 calories of semen…..Amazing… I’ve never heard of this model, Shanay Hall, but I need to see more of this bitch, cuz when she’s a half naked and sexed up dominatrix for fashion…I’m sure she’s a few steps away of spreading her pussy for fashion, you just need the right gay guy with connections and a vision there to convince her….It’s amazing what bitches will do to get noticed…it’s like they are all whores or something…how could that be…LOL…. Yes, I just LOLed. It was to represent irony. I just don’t know what irony means. Maybe it was meant to represent sarcasm. Who knows, it’s early. fuck you…

See original here:
Shanay Hall In a Hot Fashion Photoshoot of the Day

Vaness Hudgens May Be Getting High in a Bikini at Coachella of the Day

I’ve been drugged, but I’m not a drug specialist. Always been more into drinking. By the looks of this white Effron’s semen he saved in a jar so he could cum when she’d fuck him cuz he could pour it down his throat to taste a man while looking at her beard, still staying true to his gay roots, looking substance on Vanessa Hudgens finger, that everyone says is coke, but that I’m gonna say is probably icing, candy, or anything but coke, cuz despite this bitch loving controversy, releasing nudes, trying to disconnect from Disney cuz they didn’t pay well, and her love for attention, no celebrity would do drugs out in the open, it’d kill their career, even if Suckerpunch felt a lot like suicide, I have a feeling she intended it to be her big break…so I’m not gonna speculate, I’ll stick to the facts, she’s at Coachella, the land where the mainstream become hipsters for a weekend, somewhere I wouldn’t be caught dead attending, she wore a bikini and she was probably very high, because that’s what people do when they want to rock out to the music in crowds, but there’s not way she was getting high in public, she was probably doing it in bathrooms and hotel rooms like a normal celeb…so I’m sticking to this being Effron semen that gives her superpowers. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Vaness Hudgens May Be Getting High in a Bikini at Coachella of the Day