Tag Archives: need-the-right

Shanay Hall In a Hot Fashion Photoshoot of the Day

Her name is Shanay Hall and she’s not black, despite her name… I don’t know much about fashion, but if this is what it’s about, I’m tempted to pull a Bruno, fag out and trick these bitches into thinking I’m important enough to try to convert to heterosexuality via coked up blowjobs to advance their careers..Imagine the blowjobs…these hungry models give while taking out their hunger, sucking up any nutrients, even if it is only 10 calories of semen…..Amazing… I’ve never heard of this model, Shanay Hall, but I need to see more of this bitch, cuz when she’s a half naked and sexed up dominatrix for fashion…I’m sure she’s a few steps away of spreading her pussy for fashion, you just need the right gay guy with connections and a vision there to convince her….It’s amazing what bitches will do to get noticed…it’s like they are all whores or something…how could that be…LOL…. Yes, I just LOLed. It was to represent irony. I just don’t know what irony means. Maybe it was meant to represent sarcasm. Who knows, it’s early. fuck you…

See original here:
Shanay Hall In a Hot Fashion Photoshoot of the Day

TIGER WOODS: Celeb Says What?

Celebs say the funniest things when our cameras are around – especially when they’re asked about Tiger Woods!

Go here to see the original:
TIGER WOODS: Celeb Says What?

Celebrity Style File: Boots

How you cover your feet is just as important as the clothes you wear.

Read the original:
Celebrity Style File: Boots