Tag Archives: probably-ends

Kourtney Kardashian’s Post Baby Bikini Body for US Weekly of the Day

Guess who’s mom negotiated a 100,000 dollar deal with some shitty gossip magazine to be the official source of Kourtney Kardashian’s bikini body after having her second kid…you know the same mom who probably starved Kourtney Kardashian after having her second kid…with this plan already outlined….because their family is a fucking business….that’s right the evil Kardashian stage mom, who only really stage momed when the kids were in their mid-20s….exploiting the bi-product from her gold digging womb…and taking a cut off the top….in some weird as fuck, egotistical bored rich woman hustle…that I understand cuz I’ve met rich people…but that I don’t really get why the world is buying into it…cuz they are vapid, uninteresting, trash…..but I guess that doesn’t matter…you see hollywood is a small town of suck up losers, and they run the entertainment industry 99 percent of America are affected by, and I guess it is only natural she’d use her position in the LA social circle to do this….what is unnatural is that the people actually pay attention…even the hot one…isn’t fucking hot…what a joke….and here she is in that bikini for US weekly with her big, boring, bullshit photoshopped reveal. Horrible.

Original post:
Kourtney Kardashian’s Post Baby Bikini Body for US Weekly of the Day

Stella Hudgens Seduces on twitter of the Day

10 hours ago….Jailbait and sister to Vanessa Hudgens the child pornographer who never got in trouble for leaking her nudes at 17, Stella Hudgens….posted a picture of just how flexible she is to twitter…..reminding us why little girls are the devil…because they know exactly what they are doing and who they are trying to reach or seduce…but being under 18…they can pretend they are innocent and it is all in good fun….while you’re ass is headed to jail as a sex offender….even though everyone knows, especially when her High School Musical sister who she is trying to outshine, got naked for attention…..that Stella’s on a mission and that mission is to get noticed…and stand out…..and that involves some strategy that probably ends with a sex tape….that’s just how she was raised people… Seriously, LOOK AT SOME OF THE PICS SHE’S POSTED TO SOCIAL MEDIA THE LAST FEW MONTHS AND YOU’LL SEE SHE’S UP TO NO GOOD AND KNOWS EXACTLY WHAT SHE’S DOING ….

See the rest here:
Stella Hudgens Seduces on twitter of the Day