Tag Archives: probably-going

Hollywood Tuna’s Bikini Showdown – Kate Upton vs. Jennifer Aniston (Quarter-finals)

This is probably going to be a very interesting showdown. Jennifer Aniston vs. Kate Upton. Can the cougar beat the cub? Make sure to vote by commenting your choice below . Quarter-finals Round 3 Contestants Kate Upton Jennifer Aniston Round 2 Winner (Quarter-finals) Stacy Keibler defeats Karissa Shannon Round 1 Winner (Quarter-finals) Kelly Brook defeats Ashley Tisdale View past Bikini Showdowns

Hollywood Tuna’s Bikini Showdown – Kate Upton vs. Jennifer Aniston (Quarter-finals)

This is probably going to be a very interesting showdown. Jennifer Aniston vs. Kate Upton. Can the cougar beat the cub? Make sure to vote by commenting your choice below . Quarter-finals Round 3 Contestants Kate Upton Jennifer Aniston Round 2 Winner (Quarter-finals) Stacy Keibler defeats Karissa Shannon Round 1 Winner (Quarter-finals) Kelly Brook defeats Ashley Tisdale View past Bikini Showdowns

Liz Hurley is an Old Lady in a Tight Dress Filming Wonder Woman of the Day

I don’t want to give you or your virinity a heart attack, but here are some pictures of busty Liz Hurley on set in a tight enough dress to stare at, shooting Wonder Woman, which is probably going to be your new favorite show….I don’t mean to spoil the excitement of the first episode, you know you’ve already planned watching with a vat of mayonaise and some raw chicken skin for masturbation purposes, so think of it as a preview of what’s to come…if you know what I mean…which you do… FOLLOW ME

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Liz Hurley is an Old Lady in a Tight Dress Filming Wonder Woman of the Day

Mila Kunis Strips Down

I don’t know what crappy movie Mila Kunis is working on, but it involves her wearing a bikini and a men’s dress shirt so I’m probably going to see it. Maybe I’ll wait, it will probably go straight to DVD anyway so I can fast forward to all the good parts involving Mila and her good parts. Anyhow, here she is on the set looking like she’s about to rip off that shirt and do a little dance like Demi Moore did in that stripper movie. Unfortunately she doesn’t, instead she slips on a cardigan and grabs a cup of coffee. Lame.

Jessica Alba Looks Sloppy When She Plays with Balls of the Day

Not only has this bitch pretty much killed her career and sex appeal while she was at her peak, but now, she’s not even trying to get the male attention that made her who she is and that helps her afford to pay her shitty fucking kid’s way. I don’t know what kind of message she’s trying to teach the kids, but it has a lot to do with giving up and putting no effort in whatsoever, hoping one day things will turn around, but when they don’t and she’s broke, she’ll always have the sex tape to fall back on, cuz even in 20 years we’d all watch that shit, even if we forget who Jessica Alba is, something I think is probably going to happen…at least that’s what this “on her period but wearing white pants anyway cuz at least it brings my boring life excitement now that I am lazy pig of a girl” outfit is screaming…. Either way, she’s playing with balls, not necessarily the balls you’d like to want to see, but I’m sure that day will come…you just gotta be patient and she’s gotta be desperate…it will happen…it always does…

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Jessica Alba Looks Sloppy When She Plays with Balls of the Day

Are You a Die-Hard Andy Richter Fan?

If you answered affirmatively and can get to Culver City in a week on your own dime, Conan O’B rien’s sidekick needs you. Sony Studios is currently recruiting “die hard Andy Richter fans to support him” in the audience for his new pilot of the game show Pyramid . Filming takes place Wednesday, June 23rd; click here for more details. Joel Godard , you’re probably going to want to sit this one out. [ Craigslist ]

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Are You a Die-Hard Andy Richter Fan?

The Crying Wife

The Crying Wife is one husband's attempt to record his wife's crying sessions following just about any movie they watch.

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The Crying Wife

The Circle Of Leaf

Sometimes it's nice to see an image that reminds you how insignificant your life really is.

Excerpt from:
The Circle Of Leaf

Guy Who Reviewed Phantom Menace Does Avatar

Mike Stoklasa, whose 7-part Phantom Menace review was a sleeper YouTube hit a couple months ago, is back with his thoughts on Avatar . [ Ed.

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Guy Who Reviewed Phantom Menace Does Avatar

Smiling Dog

Here's a dog who smiles whenever his owner shows up! Like, for real smiling! I'm probably going to find out that this is some kind of universal dog symbol for abject terror or something, and then I'm going to feel like an asshole. But for now, cute! ( Via .) Contribute: Add an image, link, video or comment