Tag Archives: procreate-isn

Victoria’s Secret Models Sing Deck the Halls of the Day

This evil corporation has got us from the fucking balls…they hang hot fucking half naked chicks in front of our eager and hungry faces…and we listen….it is a not very genius concept that has made a lot of people billionaires…. They did this last year, it’s cute…and I want to have sex with all of them… I have my own stepFATHER CHRISTMAS INITIATIVE ….that I’d rather you be checking out….rather than this Politically correct garbage…but I get that you’re into these twats…you pervert…

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Victoria’s Secret Models Sing Deck the Halls of the Day

Sheryl Crow’s Cancer Surviving Ass in a Bikini of the Day

Sheryl Crow is a breast cancer surviving 50 year old rockstar who used to push performance enhancing drugs on Lance Armstrong because she made him feel inadequate as a one testicled biker, forcing him to over compensate and break records on a bike, you know to feel like a man… I guess the good news about her breast cancer, is that she’s still got an ass worth eating, and she’s broadcasting it on the internet, letting all the other 50 years old women see what not having kids does to a woman….and that is nothing but good things…. I figure ego to procreate isn’t worth the sacrifice that is your body…. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve never been into Sheryl Crow…but looking at her makes me into what she represents…and that is an old ass in a bikini…. Here is the video… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS FOLLOW THIS LINK

Here is the original post:
Sheryl Crow’s Cancer Surviving Ass in a Bikini of the Day