Did Miley Cyrus just call Taylor Swift a slut? Earlier this week, a Twitter user with the handle “kenbakernow” posted the following message, matching up Miley with Taylor and asking fans to consider the reputation of each superstar: It is true that some of the Miley Cyrus fashion choices have led to a certain label, and it hasn’t really helped that she recently took to the stage with strippers . Swift, meanwhile, receives a few jabs for her very long dating resume, but is mostly considered America’s Singing Sweetheart. How does Miley feel about the comparison? “@kenbakernow haha,” she responded. “this made laugh. thanks for making me smile I needed it love u.” Of course Cyrus would appreciate a follower standing up for her, but didn’t she sort of throw Swift under the promiscuous bus in the process? What do you think THGers? Does Miley receive unfair criticism, while Swift should be taken more to task for her never-ending line of boyfriends?
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Miley Cyrus vs. Taylor Swift: Shots Fired?