Tag Archives: the-comparison

Kris Humphries Saves the World!

On the basketball court, Kris Humphries is a rather one-dimension player. The man can rebound and that’s about it. But it turns out this ex-husband of Kim Kardashian is extremely versatile in real life. He can solve the Greek debt crisis. He makes amazing spaghetti sauce. Oh, and he’s about to save the world from an asteroid, per the President’s request. Watch Kris explain his various talents in this Funny or Die video: Kris Humphries: Funny or Die

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Kris Humphries Saves the World!

Miley Cyrus vs. Taylor Swift: Shots Fired?

Did Miley Cyrus just call Taylor Swift a slut? Earlier this week, a Twitter user with the handle “kenbakernow” posted the following message, matching up Miley with Taylor and asking fans to consider the reputation of each superstar: It is true that some of the Miley Cyrus fashion choices have led to a certain label, and it hasn’t really helped that she recently took to the stage with strippers . Swift, meanwhile, receives a few jabs for her very long dating resume, but is mostly considered America’s Singing Sweetheart. How does Miley feel about the comparison? “@kenbakernow haha,” she responded. “this made laugh. thanks for making me smile I needed it love u.” Of course Cyrus would appreciate a follower standing up for her, but didn’t she sort of throw Swift under the promiscuous bus in the process? What do you think THGers? Does Miley receive unfair criticism, while Swift should be taken more to task for her never-ending line of boyfriends?

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Miley Cyrus vs. Taylor Swift: Shots Fired?

R&Beef: The Weeknd and The-Dream Trade Shots

As The Weeknd emerged in 2011 with critically acclaimed projects like House Of Balloons, Thursday, and Echoes Of Silence; the comparison in styles between him and accomplished songwriter, The Dream grew . So when The Dream took his Cut The Lights Off tour through the media capital of the world, the Grammy-Award winning artist let his feelings known about numerous artists biting his style. Although The Dream never named names, all clues pointed toward the Canadian crooner… Continue

R&Beef: The Weeknd and The-Dream Trade Shots

6 Things NOT To Do The First Time You Sleep With Someone

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So you’ve met Mr. Right. (Or Mr. Right Now.) You’re a good girl, so you’ve waited the requisite amount of time and you just know that tonight is the night you’ve been dreaming of all year/month/week/minute. You look good, you smell good and you’re wearing the only matching lingerie set you own. All signs point to go. You’d think with this many green lights that there’s no way a lady could mess this up. Maybe you’d think that, but you’d be wrong. Here are just a few of the ways this could go south in a hurry: 1. Don’t depend on him for birth control. Yes, he should carry condoms, but ultimately it’s up to you — it’s your body and you need to keep yourself safe. I’m not saying that’s the way it should be, but the sad fact is, even the nicest seeming guy isn’t always as invested in keeping us disease and pregnancy-free. Even if you’re the kind of traditional lady who insists your date pay for everything (after all, you’re giving him the gift of your company), do not let stubbornness get in the way of your safe good time. And nothing ruins a good time like a below-the-belt itch or unplanned pregnancy. 2. For Pete’s sake, don’t cry. Some of us have a weird habit of occasionally bursting into tears during sex — it’s the rush of endorphins that does it, so blame biology! But, if there’s any way to pull yourself together the first time you make sweet love to your new boyfriend, try to. Waterworks will lead him to believe that either he hurt you–and in that case, will never again do that thing again — or he’ll think that you’re a mental case. Either way, you probably won’t be seeing him again anytime soon. 3. Leave the comparison talk at home. You know how almost every woman you know thinks she’s fat? Yeah, well most guys think they’re, ahem, less endowed than they actually are. Imagine if you thought a size zero was the way you thought you should look just because the model in Vogue was. Sigh. To read the other three no-nos, click here ! Celibacy In 2011: Does She Have To Give It Up? 5 Ways To Keep Your Man From Cheating

6 Things NOT To Do The First Time You Sleep With Someone

PAX East 2010 Preview: Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands


The Verdict: Microsoft Game Room

There are already a lot ways to play old games: Download MAME, blow the dust off your old systems, play Flash clones on the internet…and those are just the free ways. If you spend a couple bucks you can download tons of older games from the major consoles’ networks, or pick up an Atari 2600 on eBay for a song. Given the availability of retro titles, Microsoft Game Room has to do a lot to justify its existence. Thankfully, Game Room tries to do more than just provide another way for you to play hoary “classics.” Instead, it creates a unifying experience around older games by

Knock Out Your Oppnent By Watching UFC Undisputed 2010 Combat System Trailer

Swaying, striking, cage physics, and submission holds have been improved in UFC Undisputed 2010 , but don’t take my word from it; let Producer Neven Dravinski and MMA coach Mark Layman give you an in-depth look at the new combat system in UFC Undisputed 2010 . Be sure to watch the hard hitting trailer below, and to see the full interview click here . Watch Larger Version | Watch HD Version

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Knock Out Your Oppnent By Watching UFC Undisputed 2010 Combat System Trailer

Hang Out With G4 At Wondercon in San Francisco!

Hey! What are you doing this weekend? Are you in the San Francisco area, and want to get some cool G4 swag and meet up with some of the correspondents from Attack of the Show? Well, this Weekend, G4’s headed to Wondercon 2010 in San Francisco at the Moscone Center. You can come and visit us at booth #615 near the Hall B & C entrance to pick up your wristbands for the talent signings and to get your G4 swag. Don’t miss your chance to meet and greet with AOTS Correspondent, and the king of DVDuesday , Chris Gore, Saturday at 1PM, and comic goddess and host of Fresh Ink , AOTS Correspondent Blair Butler, Sunday at 1PM. It’s going to be an awesome time, and you’re going to kick yourself if you miss it. Heck, even if you aren’t in the area, there’s still time to travel, isn’t there? Get on it!

Hang Out With G4 At Wondercon in San Francisco!

Emergency! Dispatch The Trauma Team On May 18

After viewing Atlus’s Trauma Team trailer, I’m inspired to become a surgeon. Fixing broken ribs, stitching a heart back together and performing the Heimlich Maneuver are dramatic as hell! In this trailer, we take a look at six specialties of Trauma Team : Surgery, Endoscopy, Diagnoses, Orthopedics, and Forensics and First Response. They’re all awesome. Check out the trailer below. Watch Larger Version | Watch HD Version