Tag Archives: protest-things

Cop Teaches a Protestor a Lesson of the Day

Now that America has passed laws that prevent people from coming together as a group to protest , because having people come together as a group to protest things, especially government initiated things, is something the government doesn’t want you doing, so they want the authority to lock you up if you do, seems pretty fair, I mean historically the government always knows what is best for us. They always have our best interest in mind. They aren’t owned and operated by big businesses, and they don’t pass laws like cigarette and oil and corn and all the other crazy shit they do because it kills us, they do it for our own good…so don’t protest that shit… What better way to celebrate that law then to show how cops handle protestors in Austria….it’s kinda horrible, kinda funny, but better than when shit in Austria was run by Nazi Germany…right? FREEDOM!!

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Cop Teaches a Protestor a Lesson of the Day