Tag Archives: because-having

Doutzen Kroes Ass in a Thong of the Day

Doutzen Kroes is the fired Victoria’s Secret model who still exists after being fired by the brand, like all their fired talent continues to exist after being fired by the brand, because having worked for the brand, even for just a short period of time, even if it was once, is enough to differentiate you from all women….it instantly makes you better… That said, she’s rich, her husband is some DJ, they have a bunch of kids and she’s hanging out in IBIZA where I guess he has a residency and they are based out of for the summer, you know Euro Rave dreams…that she will sure as fuck not let homie hang out at alone, without her there to supervise and make sure no groupies who are hotter, younger, more relevant than her move in. It’s like it’s her full time job to make sure he doesn’t stray, because she got fired from her other job. She’s got pretty ripped abs in her bikini – not sure if that’s a good thing or a bad thing – but I guess a good thing since she’s a mom. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE

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Doutzen Kroes Ass in a Thong of the Day

29 Questions with Fat Ariel Winter in a Bikini Hiding her Belly Fat of the Day

I saw this 29 questions with Ariel Winter video last week and figured more that 14,000 people would care about her in a bikini asking questions, when I realized that no one cares about Ariel Winter, she’s gross to look at, she doesn’t have real fans…just a handful of perverts…but instead has very good PR team who basically pay for her to be talked about and to exist…and really you’d have to pay to get people to care about her…she’s a fucking monster…a troll…a pig…a mix of all three…and I refuse to watch this video, but figure some of you have a fat girl from TV in a bikini fetish, I mean you must, why else does she have a career. Here she is photoshopped in the fat pics..and still fat…despite photoshop.. The post 29 Questions with Fat Ariel Winter in a Bikini Hiding her Belly Fat of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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29 Questions with Fat Ariel Winter in a Bikini Hiding her Belly Fat of the Day

Hunter King – Pool Party of the Day

Her name is Hunter Haley King and she’s got tits like most girls under 25 thanks to hormones in the food, being fat, and accessible plastic surgery – because having big tits is a great business strategy for talentless low levels trying to make it – Not to say this low level Hunter Haley King has no talent, I mean just look at her dance moves by the pool, that’s straight from being exploited by her parents…to be on TV and it is wonderful…. The post Hunter King – Pool Party of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Hunter King – Pool Party of the Day

Miley Cyrus Wrestling her Sister Porn of the DAy

Miley Cyrus and her sister wrestling isn’t really erotic, but anyone who has ever fucked a girl with a sister will know that wanting to fuck the sister is a serious thing…it’s like “why did I end up with this one”…or if you’re lucky you’re like “I wonder if their pussies are the same and is it cheating if they are, not that I care about cheating, but it’s nice to know what you’ve got yourself into”….sister fetish….totally normal..but I don’t think her sister is 18 year and I don’t think this is hot because they aren’t lathered up in motor oil, or pig fat from their farm….but it is a reminder that Miley still exists and when she’s not putting on a bullshit show, or touring she’s fucking dull.. Miley was in a bikini over the weekend…but it was boring….but here it is anyway.. The post Miley Cyrus Wrestling her Sister Porn of the DAy appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Miley Cyrus Wrestling her Sister Porn of the DAy

Sofia Richie and Pia Mia in Flaunt of the Day

Sofia Richie and Pia Mia are best fucking friends…which makes sense, they are both ratchet little rich kids, youtubers or daughters of Lionel Richie…but unlike Nicole Richie are his actual DNA….so probably more loved, spoiled and in this era…of entitled cunt…annoying.. Together they are living in the LA scene…leveraging each other for followers, doing the LA thing to get noticed and paid attention to…so that they too can be Kardashians…or make that money for posting bullshit pics to social media like it matters…and I guess young girls are into them, into following them…and there’s just so much crossover between all these idiots…they are like the popular crowd in the highschool and I’m the creepy teacher jerking off to them….works for me…because having to listen to them talk would be far too tedious when staring at their pantyhose and poses takes little to no effort… The post Sofia Richie and Pia Mia in Flaunt of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Sofia Richie and Pia Mia in Flaunt of the Day

Natalie Portman in Shorts of the Day

I wonder how many obese nerds living in a shitty one bedroom apartment filled with Star Wars toys died jerking off to Natalie Portman’s paparazzi pics in shorts…because I know at least one did…because I know Natalie Portman should be referred to as Natalie Porn-For a man who really likes Star Wars due to his Aspergers…not to mention she’s a good little Israeli girl from the promised land who doesn’t look as good as most Israeli girls from the Promised land…you know not like that Chelsea Clinton Jewish face despite pretending to not be Jewish for her parents’ political career….that so many Jewish guys are forced to marry to keep the Jewish DNA in circulation – because having a non Jewish baby is very against everything they’ve been raised to believe… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Natalie Portman in Shorts of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Natalie Portman in Shorts of the Day

Natalie Portman in Shorts of the Day

I wonder how many obese nerds living in a shitty one bedroom apartment filled with Star Wars toys died jerking off to Natalie Portman’s paparazzi pics in shorts…because I know at least one did…because I know Natalie Portman should be referred to as Natalie Porn-For a man who really likes Star Wars due to his Aspergers…not to mention she’s a good little Israeli girl from the promised land who doesn’t look as good as most Israeli girls from the Promised land…you know not like that Chelsea Clinton Jewish face despite pretending to not be Jewish for her parents’ political career….that so many Jewish guys are forced to marry to keep the Jewish DNA in circulation – because having a non Jewish baby is very against everything they’ve been raised to believe… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Natalie Portman in Shorts of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Natalie Portman in Shorts of the Day

Hunter Haley King Big Tits for Some Shit of the DAy

Her name is Hunter Haley King and she’s got tits like most girls under 25 thanks to hormones in the food, being fat, and accessible plastic surgery – because having big tits is a great business strategy for talentless low levels trying to make it – trying to get attention – trying to build out their social media – trying to get paid – trying to become EM RATA – but I guess Hunter Haley hasn’t gone fully committed to the cause because I can’t see her nipples in some soft filter in a hotel room or the middle of the desert….but cleavage is a good start TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Hunter Haley King Big Tits for Some Shit of the DAy appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Hunter Haley King Big Tits for Some Shit of the DAy

Isabali Fontana Ass for Vogue Paris of the Day

Isabeli Fontana the Victoria’s Secret model who was recruited at 15 to work for the lingerie brand…because having a safe space studio filled with male photographers telling young teenage girls to cover up their pussy because they can see some lip in the panty pics…is fashion baby…well not actual fashion, let’s be real, Victoria’s Secret is some made in china bullshit they sew their labels on and sell to fat white people trying to buy into a dream – thanks to being all american – basics who are exactly what democracy and capitalism intended to cultivate through the morals and values instilled in materialistic consumerism… It’s like, yeah – these cheap panties will give you the fucking life you deserve and they are 3 for 9 dollars – perfect for my cashier salary…insanity.. Not nearly as insane as the fact that they were essentially sex offenders, what you’d get arrested doing outside the highschool, but they didn’t get in trouble for it with this babe, because no one cares about 16 year olds when they are imported / human trafficked into high paying model jobs…the law just doesn’t apply… That said, it’s 20 years later and Fontana is still perfect…a mom, old, but perfect…in a world where so many young girls are producing slutty content you’d think would make these moms obsolete – but don’t….because nostalgia.. The post Isabali Fontana Ass for Vogue Paris of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Isabali Fontana Ass for Vogue Paris of the Day

Isabali Fontana Ass for Vogue Paris of the Day

Isabeli Fontana the Victoria’s Secret model who was recruited at 15 to work for the lingerie brand…because having a safe space studio filled with male photographers telling young teenage girls to cover up their pussy because they can see some lip in the panty pics…is fashion baby…well not actual fashion, let’s be real, Victoria’s Secret is some made in china bullshit they sew their labels on and sell to fat white people trying to buy into a dream – thanks to being all american – basics who are exactly what democracy and capitalism intended to cultivate through the morals and values instilled in materialistic consumerism… It’s like, yeah – these cheap panties will give you the fucking life you deserve and they are 3 for 9 dollars – perfect for my cashier salary…insanity.. Not nearly as insane as the fact that they were essentially sex offenders, what you’d get arrested doing outside the highschool, but they didn’t get in trouble for it with this babe, because no one cares about 16 year olds when they are imported / human trafficked into high paying model jobs…the law just doesn’t apply… That said, it’s 20 years later and Fontana is still perfect…a mom, old, but perfect…in a world where so many young girls are producing slutty content you’d think would make these moms obsolete – but don’t….because nostalgia.. The post Isabali Fontana Ass for Vogue Paris of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Isabali Fontana Ass for Vogue Paris of the Day