Tag Archives: the-highschool

Isabali Fontana Ass for Vogue Paris of the Day

Isabeli Fontana the Victoria’s Secret model who was recruited at 15 to work for the lingerie brand…because having a safe space studio filled with male photographers telling young teenage girls to cover up their pussy because they can see some lip in the panty pics…is fashion baby…well not actual fashion, let’s be real, Victoria’s Secret is some made in china bullshit they sew their labels on and sell to fat white people trying to buy into a dream – thanks to being all american – basics who are exactly what democracy and capitalism intended to cultivate through the morals and values instilled in materialistic consumerism… It’s like, yeah – these cheap panties will give you the fucking life you deserve and they are 3 for 9 dollars – perfect for my cashier salary…insanity.. Not nearly as insane as the fact that they were essentially sex offenders, what you’d get arrested doing outside the highschool, but they didn’t get in trouble for it with this babe, because no one cares about 16 year olds when they are imported / human trafficked into high paying model jobs…the law just doesn’t apply… That said, it’s 20 years later and Fontana is still perfect…a mom, old, but perfect…in a world where so many young girls are producing slutty content you’d think would make these moms obsolete – but don’t….because nostalgia.. The post Isabali Fontana Ass for Vogue Paris of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Isabali Fontana Ass for Vogue Paris of the Day

Daisy Lowe Forgets Her Pants of the Day

Her name is Daisy Lowe and she has a really fascinated story, if hearing about the hardships of useless rich kids is something you find fascinating. At 20, she is a model who dated such legendary figures like Samantha Ronson’s annoying musical brother, she spent the first 15 years of her life not knowing her dad was Gavin Rossdale from Bush and Gwen Stefani’s vagina fame and all that stress has made her forget her pants, unless this is supposed to be fashionable, which based on the racks at my local American Apparel, the Beyonce video and Lady Gaga, the general public is following their fuckin’ lead and walking around in what would looks like their one piece bathing suits and I figure even when it is on disgusting bitches, it’s still more entertaining than regular pants for a pervert like me because the more people adopt this trend, making it mainstream and luring the hot 9 to 5er girls to adopt the trend substantially improving walking down the street.

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Daisy Lowe Forgets Her Pants of the Day

Lala Vasquez is Washing Her Car Put Still Smells Like Trash of the Day

Here is some fat pig attention whore named Lala Vasquez. She hangs out with Kim Kardashian and her vile sisters and I don’t know what she does, but it seems like she’s tied into VH1 as they are probably the only people willing to give her work because she must be blackmailing an exec there as she looks like fucking garbage you expect working the street corner and not on your TV

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Lala Vasquez is Washing Her Car Put Still Smells Like Trash of the Day

Jennifer Aniston has Hard Nipple of the Day

Jennifer Aniston is showing all you girls what it took her to get a career and what made Friends a success amongst men and that’s a set of hard fuckin nipples, they proved to be the best distraction from her busted greek nose, I mean before she got that shit sorted out at her plastic surgeon, I mean combined with the fact that as a Greek, she has an extra gland in her anus that makes lubricates anal and makes for smooth fuckin’ sailing….the last post I wrote on this bitch was a hell of a lot better and I don’t feel like repeating myself…

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Jennifer Aniston has Hard Nipple of the Day

Kelly Brook in a Shitty Upskirt Picture of the Day

Kelly Brook stars in these latest horrible upskirt pictures. I don’t even know if I can make out ass, pussy or panties because of all the fuckin’ shadows and shitty photographic skills of the highschool drop out, immigrant, refugee the paparazzi gave a Digital SLR to to get pictures for them, but shit’s good enough to give you a good idea of the dimensions so that you can build your 3D model the area so that you can imagine where she hides her shit while you jerk off you fucking weirdo. I wonder if I’ll ever get tired of calling you assholes virgins who can’t get laid….and after much thought and analysis it turns out that I doubt it…

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Kelly Brook in a Shitty Upskirt Picture of the Day