Tag Archives: protesting-him

Shia LaBeouf Sons White Supremacist Trying To Hijack His Anti-Trump Live Stream [Video]

Shia LaBeouf has a Trump protest live stream going for the duration of the Trump presidency — or the next four years, whichever is longer — in which he invites anyone interested to speak the words “He Will Not Divide Us” into the camera, 24/7. You can log in HERE anytime to see those who oppose Trump’s divisive rhetoric protesting him at any time. Well on day one, some man decided to spew nonsense into the camera about the purity of the white race or some BS. Welp…not on Shia’s watch. YouTube/HeWillNotDivide.Us

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Shia LaBeouf Sons White Supremacist Trying To Hijack His Anti-Trump Live Stream [Video]