Tag Archives: public-address

Casey Anthony Reports to Probation; Whereabouts, Details Top Secret

Casey Anthony has reported to probation in Florida, but don’t expect a public address or list of her weekly requirements. Everything is TOP secret. Anthony showed up at the Florida Department of Corrections last night to begin serving her one-year probation sentence for a check fraud case. Casey, who was released from jail July 17 after being acquitted of murder in the death of 2-year-old daughter Caylee, had until Friday at noon to report. She must remain in Florida for the next year to serve probation. Florida corrections officials said in a press release that given the strong potential for death threats against Casey Anthony , her file will be kept confidential. The FDOC said, “The court has directed us to keep confidential the offender’s residence or any information that could lead to the discovery of her location.” This is due solely to “the death threats against her.” The statement continues, “Therefore, she will not be identified in our database, nor will her probation officer’s name or probation location be made public.”

Casey Anthony Reports to Probation; Whereabouts, Details Top Secret