Tag Archives: published-model

Donald Trump Roasts Hillary Clinton at Some Al Smith Event of the Day

I don’t follow American Politics, but I have watched the debates, and I’ve seen all the annoying statuses on social media for a long time…because people are so appalled by the things Donald Trump says as a loud mouth real estate monster rich guy turned politician…others are appalled by Hillary Clinton being a evil corrupt paid off puppet…because how can a public servant be so rich…30 years of public service…and she’s worth hundreds of millions of dollars….and it is safe to assume they are just in this together… But the whole thing is pretty comedic…especially Hillary’s facial expression when he calls her out for laughing awkwardly…and so is this roast from yesterday is better than he has at any of his political events…wait for the “pardon me”…. I just listened to the whole thing…it’s ruthless…people booing him…ruthless…so hated…so controversial…what a guy… Here is the less exciting Hillary Roasting Trump… The post Donald Trump Roasts Hillary Clinton at Some Al Smith Event of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

Donald Trump Roasts Hillary Clinton at Some Al Smith Event of the Day

Rebecca Black’s Bra Because It is Friday of the Day

If you like weird, awkward Jewish girls that remind you of every stereotypical Jewish Summer camp you may have heard of from your Jewish friends who got their first blowjob, because apparently along with being busty, Jewish girls love giving blowjobs, just not after you marry them…. You may like Rebecca Black…the girl from the hit YOUTUBE video of 4 years ago called FRIDAY…where she sang with such depth, raw talent that some would call talentless, but that’s what made it work so well, and she or her handlers new it… You may like the Friday song from 4 years ago, because people did have to watch it over and over again to garner the views she got on it… But none of that matters because you are my people…and in being my people…I know the one thing you do like about Rebecca Black…that you didn’t even know you liked about Rebecca Black…because you have no fucking ideal who Rebecca Black is…is the tits in a bra…because they can be ANY tits in a bra…that’s how diverse we are as a people… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Rebecca Black’s Bra Because It is Friday of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Rebecca Black’s Bra Because It is Friday of the Day

Some Aspiring Actress Shows Her Tits Cuz She’s a Star of the Day

Haley Nicole Permenter is an aspiring actress you’ve never heard of… I know nothing about her, but I can assume that she’s got 12 followers on social media and she’s doing the showing of her tits to get noticed in her quest to gain followers….or create what they call “ART” …. because she’s not booking any jobs after moving to LA from the Midwest or some shit and she’s on a fucking timeline….you know before she runs out of her savings, or her rich Corn farmer dad is threatening to cut her off from her dreams… It could also be what these new feminists who grew up on porn do…they go as close to the edge as they can…which is usually panties on…because compared to all throat fucking gangbang content out there…you can throw a filter on it and pretend it’s artistic and just tits….while the psychology of it is still a girl pulling her tits out for a photographer for the sake of getting noticed on the internet…which for people like me is awesome.. There was a time before social media that I remember having to negotiate for hours to get nudes…sometimes even weeks…and now they are just everywhere…and girl doesn’t even need to be an actor or model…she just has to call herself one…and poof…like magic…it materializes and she exists… I wish that worked for gynecologist…like if I put my TINDER profile to Gyno…would people believe….like they believe “published model”…and take me seriously as I finger blast them… I doubt it.. Again…nothing wrong with Haley Nicole Permenter or what she’s doing…In fact…I love it… The post Some Aspiring Actress Shows Her Tits Cuz She’s a Star of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Some Aspiring Actress Shows Her Tits Cuz She’s a Star of the Day

Adriana Lima and Christy Turlington in LOVE of the Day

LOVE MAGAZINE managed to take two old timer, professional models…who if they were instagram whores would write “Published Model”, because both managed to crawl out of whatever tall girl awkwardness they grew up in and make millions…and turn them into silly looking clowns.. I do not understand what the hell is going on here, but I dare you to try to jerk off to the pics…it’s challenging…that I know for sure…but maybe I’m just desensitized and like my models naked…especially when I’ve seen both naked…

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Adriana Lima and Christy Turlington in LOVE of the Day

Kelly Hall is the Page 3 Girl of the Day

Kelly Hall is a UK Glamour Model, that is code for girl with tits who always liked the idea of being a model, even if it meant capitalizing on her tits, because it’s better than working at the strip club or as an escort. If anything, even if it doesn’t pay, it increases her audience and gives her that stamp of approval that allows her to write “Published Model” on her instagram, differentiating her from “instagram models”…which amazingly enough makes athletes and other rich people want to marry their trashy asses, or knock up their trashy asses, and the whole thing is better than being a stripper they were destined to be in… YOu see Glamour Model, is anything but Glamourous, if anything it is the trashiest kind of modelling, but if you white wash it by labelling it Glamour…it makes the whole experience almost as luxurious as fashion models…who also show their tits… I guess what I am getting at is that every girl should show her tits to get ahead and that’s probably the one life lesson we can pull from the UK’s Page 3 tabloid, that’s been celebrating these topless tarts everyday for decades…good work. TO SEE THE ARCHIVE OF PAGE 3 TITTIES CLICK HERE

Kelly Hall is the Page 3 Girl of the Day