Tag Archives: love-yourself

Adriana Lima and Christy Turlington in LOVE of the Day

LOVE MAGAZINE managed to take two old timer, professional models…who if they were instagram whores would write “Published Model”, because both managed to crawl out of whatever tall girl awkwardness they grew up in and make millions…and turn them into silly looking clowns.. I do not understand what the hell is going on here, but I dare you to try to jerk off to the pics…it’s challenging…that I know for sure…but maybe I’m just desensitized and like my models naked…especially when I’ve seen both naked…

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Adriana Lima and Christy Turlington in LOVE of the Day

Ariana Grande in an Obnoxious Selfie Shoot for Seventeen of the Day

Here is Ariana Grande in the most annoying photoshoot in the history of photoshoots because I can go on instagram and see all kinds of self involved tricks doing this….or I can leave my house and see it everywhere – selfie in the grocery store – selfie next to the natural disaster – selfie next to the bathroom – selfie on the toilet – selfie after sex – selfie on a date – selfie with your food – fuck you and your selfie – because all you bitches love yourself, all vain and narcissistic, where other vain and narcissistic people encourage you so that you feed their ego so they feed their ego back. Bullshit,

Originally posted here:
Ariana Grande in an Obnoxious Selfie Shoot for Seventeen of the Day

Paul Ryan’s Got Jokes…And Tries To Act Like He’s Down With His ‘Young-er’ Choices In Music

Dude just sounds like a cornball to us! Last night, Paul Lyan gave his acceptance speech and even tried to crack a few jokes. He got laughs from the crowd…and from the couches we were all watching from. “There are the songs on his iPod which I’ve heard on the campaign bus, and on many hotel elevators. He actually urged me to play some of these songs at campaign rallies. I said, ‘I hope it’s not a deal-breaker Mitt, but my playlist starts with AC/DC and ends with Zeppelin.’ “ Listen Paula, don’t try to act like you can relate to a younger, more laid back group of voters all of a sudden. Images via Youtube/Twitter

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Paul Ryan’s Got Jokes…And Tries To Act Like He’s Down With His ‘Young-er’ Choices In Music

Before And After: A Teeny Tiny Airbrushed Lady Gaga Grace’s The Cover Of Vogue

Born This Way our Azz! Lady Gaga is gracing the cover of the September issue of Vogue and everyone thought she looked great…until we zoned in on her waist and boney shoulders. What’s worst is the video from the photo shoot that came out and, it seems there was a whole lot of retouching happening for the final shot. What do you think? Should vocal celebs, who push that “love your body, love yourself” image and mentality be on the cover of magazines with such unrealistic body features? Images via Youtube/Vogue

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Before And After: A Teeny Tiny Airbrushed Lady Gaga Grace’s The Cover Of Vogue

8 Steps To Loving You

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You cannot expect others to love you if you do not love yourself. It sounds simple. It really is the root cause of why people have as many problems as they do in this world. They do not express the love that God gave them within themselves.  If we look at why there is such low  self esteem amongst our  people, it is because  we do not contain self love. There is a wonderful Gospel song that has the lyrics: “‘I Will… Bless The Lord …Oh My Soul… And All That Is Within Me …Bless His Holy Name”  If we can sing these words we must understand  that the blessings  start within me. Here are a few things  to  begin  your self love project. 1- Forgive You – I know people who have carried their mistakes with them their entire life, and as result they remain unhappy at the core. I know what it’s like to make a mistake and feel like you shouldn’t be forgiven, but that kind of thinking is nonsense. There is no action not worthy of forgiveness. 2- Stop Comparing Yourself to Others – I’m just as guilty as the next person in this area, for this is something that I too am struggling with even today. But as I’ve come to realize the more you compare yourself to others the less self worth you place on yourself Only when you stop comparing yourself to others can then you then begin to love yourself 3- Stop Seeking Approval- Seeking approval is similar to comparing yourself to others, and it’s fair to say that we all do it from time to time. I’m not going to lie and say I’ve never sought approval from my family or friends, but I’m also going to tell you that when approval was my main focus those were also not the happiest times in my life. 4- Believe In Yourself – Loving and believing in yourself go hand in hand. You can’t love yourself if you don’t believe in yourself, and you can’t believe in yourself if you don’t love yourself first. To fully experience what it means to live you must have a confidence in all you do, even during the times in which you come up short. 5- Trust Your Judgmen t and know that through both the good and bad you are worthy. Inside of yourself you do know essentially what is best for you and how to apply it. 6 – Practice Silence – Last week I wrote about discovering the true you in Silence. For me this means that I must remove myself from my natural environment in order to have peace and quiet. 7- Eat Healthy And Exercise – Part of loving yourself is allowing your body to be in its top form. An occasional indulgence in alcohol or some fast food isn’t the end of the in the world but making a habit of destroying your body is. 8- Express Yourself – Holding back on what you feel and how you feel makes you’re a prisoner inside. You do not deserve to be a prisoner. This is not what your Creator made you for. He made you to love, be loved and to know the world If you really want to change the world, if you really want to experience that life you’ve always desired, you must first love yourself fully, because all the advice in the world won’t matter if you don’t. It won’t always be be easy, but your relationship with yourself is the most important relationship you will ever have. Make each day a day in which you continue to deepen your relationship with yourself and experience the life you know you were meant to live. The world depends on you to love yourself. Related Stories Gospel Song of The Day: Still Have Joy Minute Meditation: Prayer For A Good Day At Work Do You Really Understand Forgiveness?

8 Steps To Loving You

Bangers: Keisha Knight Pulliam Talks About Relationships…”I Don’t Know If There Is A Lack Of Good Black Men”

Lil banger Keisha Knight Pulliam recently shared her thoughts on dating, good men, and relationships: Since you were in the spotlight at such an early age, was it difficult dating and trusting guys who were really into you and not just hanging on because of what you’ve achieved? Sometimes you get people who just want to hang around because of what I’ve done. But as you get older, dating is about finding the diamond in the rough. God made me so I’m sure he made my counterpart. I’m patient. Until it’s time, I want to work on me and we will meet when we are supposed to. You see so much information about there not being enough available black men for women. From your experience, do you think that is true or is it something being perpetuated by the media? I don’t know if there is a lack of good men. But when you haven’t taken the time to know yourself and articulate what you want in a relationship, you can’t possible find that person for you because you don’t know what you’re looking for. Most times, if you don’t have yourself together, it’s not going to work. What’s the best way for women to approach relationships? The best thing is to be who you are. At times, people try to be who they think the other person wants them to be. And if that’s the case, that’s not the person for you. You should be able to be exactly who you are. You have to love yourself first. You can’t love anyone more than you love yourself. And you should have fun. I would rather laugh and enjoy myself than fight all of the time. You can articulate your point without arguing. Relationships should not be a struggle. When you’re constantly fighting, you should just keep it moving. Source

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Bangers: Keisha Knight Pulliam Talks About Relationships…”I Don’t Know If There Is A Lack Of Good Black Men”