Tag Archives: pull-off-due

Rhian Sugden 2016 Calendar of the Day

Rhian Sugden is a Glamour Model…and mothing says fun like half naked busty Glamour models….. I guess they realize that they had the skill set and were destined to work the check out at Wal Mart, but then they realized they had tits….and could become Cocktail waitresses, bottle service waitresses, or hostesses…..and if they were really into getting paid they could be cam girls, or strippers or prostitutes, but that’s too trashy for them…they like to keep their level of trash to being in shitty magazines in shitty shoots for shitty audience of average man who likes tits in the UK…only to leverage that and pretend it is real celebrity to lure rich soccer players to have their babies… Here’s some pics from this Galmour Model’s calendar….that I assume she self produced for her basic dude audience…she relies on to exist… And with big tits, celebrating big tits, I can’t hate it, even if it’s so fucking average in every way but cup size….which sometimes is the best way to not be average….#tits. The post Rhian Sugden 2016 Calendar of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Rhian Sugden 2016 Calendar of the Day

Katy Perry Panty Flash of the Day

Katy Perry posted a panty flash on her instagram with a fetish dude…and it was not very magical because I couldn’t zoom in and see stray public hairs or the definition of her vaginal lips or even the gunt of fat about her pussy that usually moms in their 40s get, but that Katy Perry has managed to pull off due to her awkward dancing and need to keep her tits since it’s all people care about when it comes to her… I know, shocking, you’d think “I kissed a girl” was worthy of being forever immortalized in a stone monument somewhere for it’s genius catchy lyrics in a time of early lesbianism….you know a real cultural moment…and not just candy coated garbage pop… I don’t hate Katy Perry. She’s lovely..I just like calling her fat. The post Katy Perry Panty Flash of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

Katy Perry Panty Flash of the Day