Tag Archives: soccer-players

Rhian Sugden Big Tits of the Day

Instagram killed the Glamour Model star… Rhian Sugden is some Glamour model who is relatively famous in the Glamour Model scene….not that that scene matters or that I know all that much about this Glamour model scene….partially because I am not in the UK…but mainly because it is a scene that I hate since topless girls are meant to be strippers, and not given fame and fans that make them think that they are real famous models….especially with social media that proves we don’t need to pay girls to get naked on camera…especially when they look like this and should be banging on camera…because they look and probably act as classy as porn chicks. But instead they marry UK soccer players who see this as status – which is weird – but happens.. TO SEE IN A BIKINI PICS CLICK HERE The post Rhian Sugden Big Tits of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Rhian Sugden Big Tits of the Day

Rhian Sugden 2016 Calendar of the Day

Rhian Sugden is a Glamour Model…and mothing says fun like half naked busty Glamour models….. I guess they realize that they had the skill set and were destined to work the check out at Wal Mart, but then they realized they had tits….and could become Cocktail waitresses, bottle service waitresses, or hostesses…..and if they were really into getting paid they could be cam girls, or strippers or prostitutes, but that’s too trashy for them…they like to keep their level of trash to being in shitty magazines in shitty shoots for shitty audience of average man who likes tits in the UK…only to leverage that and pretend it is real celebrity to lure rich soccer players to have their babies… Here’s some pics from this Galmour Model’s calendar….that I assume she self produced for her basic dude audience…she relies on to exist… And with big tits, celebrating big tits, I can’t hate it, even if it’s so fucking average in every way but cup size….which sometimes is the best way to not be average….#tits. The post Rhian Sugden 2016 Calendar of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Rhian Sugden 2016 Calendar of the Day

Kate Hudson Ass Flash of the Day

Kate Hudson’s ass has probably been seen by thousands of men…right before they stuck their dicks in her…I mean…when she was at her prime, it was her best feature, and who knows it might still be….I don’t really spend much time analyzing Goldie Hawn’s daughter…even though anal with her is probably great…thanks to her ass still being tight enough to grip your cock…while her pussy…just isn’t… So seeing her bending over, showing a little ass cheek is almost exciting to those of us into really dirty girls…more importantly…when they are famous, celerbrity rich kids, and have driven dudes to attempt suicide…because they are so toxic… It’s one of those, I bet she doesn’t even notice her ass is being flashed…it has no more sensation from overuse…or maybe…she knows exactly what she’s doing…because she called the paparazzi…it’s good for PR…. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Kate Hudson Ass Flash of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Kate Hudson Ass Flash of the Day

Irina Shayk’s Bikini in Mexico of the DAy

Irina Shayk is not my kind of Russian because she didn’t have to escape communist rule, or really grow up under the reign of an oppressive government, you know really feeling struggle…..but instead got cast as a model and sold off to Euro soccer players as their possible beard… But she is my kind of Russian because she’s either a sugar baby or sex worker in her own right…but more importantly, because she’s positioned herself as an actual model…she’s become famaous as fuck and is making her money…and the reality is…she’s hot as fuck while doing it… That’s all that really matters…in these bikini in Mexico paparazzi pics…shes’ amazing. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Irina Shayk’s Bikini in Mexico of the DAy appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

Irina Shayk’s Bikini in Mexico of the DAy

Natalie Dormer for Some Magazine of the Day

Her name is Natalie Dormer. She is on Game of Thrones. I don’t watch game of thrones. I find wizards and dragons dumb as shit. I would watch game of thongs though, only if it involved me sniffing unsuspecting thongs, either on girls or off, to determine how many days they’ve been worn. But that is because I am weird. Now she is in some magazine. I AM MORE INTO HER PANTY FLASH That’s all i have to say about that.

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Natalie Dormer for Some Magazine of the Day

Holly Peers Titties for Photoshoot of the Day

Holly Peers is a Glamour model. Glamour models show their tits. But then again, so do real models, only Glamour models are trashier and more like strippers thn real models, and they only call themselves Glamour models because it sounds better thank “stripper who managed to get published in magazines to increase her stock price and level of desirability to soccer players and really anyone with money because they like a girl who has big tits and who is published better than other non-published gold digging hos”… I am not against her work. I think it is a needed job…in this world…of tits…we like seeing em…

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Holly Peers Titties for Photoshoot of the Day

Colleen Rooney’s a WAG in a Pink Bikini of the Day

COLLEEN ROONEY is some WAG, who’s brother is in the soccer world, and who has fucked some of his friends, ending up with one of them…. She used to be Colleen McLoughlin but that was 5 years ago and before she was married…and based on my extensive research, she’s always been a dumpy chick, which I guess is what the norm is in the UK, since all the fit girls, are trashy Glamour girls who the other soccer players marry…I guess Rooney, was more into personality than slut. I assume she’s in Brazil during the world cup, but I don’t care, I’m just posting her as a random slob in a bikini to inspire you fat girls to send me bikini pics, I don’t judge…I take it all. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE

Colleen Rooney’s a WAG in a Pink Bikini of the Day

Caroline Berg Eriksen is the Best Post Pregnant Mom Ever of the DAy

People are such haters…it makes me laugh, especially in the FAT Generation we live in, it’s like a skinny bitch happens and everyone wants to bring her down and shove food down her throat and make her fat and lazy like them… The story behind this is that Caroline Berg Eriksen, who is some Soccer wife in some other country, just had a kid…posted this selfie, because that’s the kind of Glamour Model who lands soccer players, slut she has always been…and the public went nuts.. It’s like who fucking cares that her body is banging’ even after pregnancy, this is the way it should always be, and for that…I celebrate Caroline Berg Eriksen … and you should too… Not everyone buys into the scam that when eating for two you have to eat for fucking two, not everyone uses it as an excuse to indulge now that you’ve trapped your man..some people want to stay hot, despite their 9 month retirement plan…. Fat girls are just jealous..

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Caroline Berg Eriksen is the Best Post Pregnant Mom Ever of the DAy

Chanelle Hayes Nude in Nuts of the Day

Chanelle Hayes is some useless Big Brother UK contestent, who went on to become a Glamor Model and according her her WIKIPEDIA, a business woman, who I assume is in the business of showing off her saggy mom tits in photoshoots for lad mags, which makes sense becasue that’s what fucking whores do….I mean along with getting knocked up on purpose by famous Footballers (soccer players), 3 months after heated break-up that led to her trying to kill herself, that baby making vagina doubles as a fucking trap, maybe that it why these pics have some wierd light flare coming from her mom pussy, that I assumed was special effects, that I now think may just be natural…. Either way, here are her crazy, drama filled mom saggers…that remind me of a bitch I used to know, who was in the park this morning with her baby, cockteasing with her cleavage, only to get mad at me when I asked when Feeding time was….whores are all the fucking same….. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Chanelle Hayes Nude in Nuts of the Day

Hot Kristina Liliana Chudinova Bikini Pictures

Were you in the mood for some pictures of a complete nobody with giant fake breasts in a bikini? Apparently so was I because I’ve got these pictures of someone named Kristina Liliana Chudinova hanging out in the ocean in her sweet little bathing suit. So I looked her up and of course she’s married to some soccer player. Stupid soccer players get all the hottest chicks. Not only that but he’s in his fifties and she’s like twenty-five. Son of a bitch! Anyhow, she’s hot and those breasts are spectacular… They’re giving me a Chudinova in my pants. Ha!