Tag Archives: quickly-dashing

Amaze & Gillie Da Kid In The Studio Working On “Studio Rodeo”

Behind the scenes of the new smash “Studio Rodeo”. In Studio with Amaze and Gillie da kid Random Posts Locksmith (Of Grind Time) – Rare Form (Dissing Kanye West) 80 Absolutely Beautiful Video Game Wallpapers Runnin Game: Check Out Diddy’s Pickup Line “Ey Yo” When He See’s 2 Girls Across The Street On His Vlog #42! + His Son Introduces His Blog DJ 31 Degreez And Jay-Z – 23 The Mike Jordan Of Recordin Brother Ali New Video! Jay Sean (Feat. Lil Wayne) – Down Share and Enjoy:

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Amaze & Gillie Da Kid In The Studio Working On “Studio Rodeo”

Lil Wayne Wows ‘Em In The Rain At New York [Review + Pictures]

A lot of rain actually. It didn’t dampen attendance (or enthusiasm) one bit, as 17,000 demonstrative fans came out and were on their feet and dancing the entire night

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Lil Wayne Wows ‘Em In The Rain At New York [Review + Pictures]

Weezy F Bulletproof [Video & Pic Explained]

Do you all remember the video we posted showing Lil Wayne having a scuffle with Mack Maine and the picture we posted of Weezy wearing a bulletproof vest with another girl Well, if not, here is the video and here is the picture (or you can just look above ) The girl in the picture with Wayne was the person who shot the footage of Weezy and Mack wresting! This is what she said: Apparently Lil Wayne owns an automatic bb gun, and was firing it (or atleast attempting to) at Mack Maine. She met Lil Wayne on the tour bus after his performance in Scranton and said he wore the vest for the duration of time she was on the tour bus which was a little over an hour.

See the original post here:
Weezy F Bulletproof [Video & Pic Explained]