Tag Archives: rapace-begging

Dissecting the Trailers for ABC’s Most Promising New Shows


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“Why just watch when you can feel’” That was the question ABC Entertainment Group President Paul Lee put to advertisers while pitching next year’s lineup at the network’s upfront presentation. Those are awfully grandiose words for someone affiliated with The Bachelor and Dancing with the Stars (both returning next year), don’t you think? The shows that apparently weren’t living up to this lofty guiding… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Film School Rejects Discovery Date : 15/05/2012 22:15 Number of articles : 2

Dissecting the Trailers for ABC’s Most Promising New Shows

New ‘Prometheus’ Viral Clip Shows Noomi Rapace Begging Assistance From Weyland Industries


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Fox has been going all-out with the last couple weeks of promotion for Ridley Scott‘s Prometheus, and as I’ve said before, we’ve hit the point where I’m trying not to watch too much of the new clips and trailers. But this little video, Quiet Eye, is part of the ad campaign Fox is doing with Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : /Film Discovery Date : 16/05/2012 15:49 Number of articles : 2

New ‘Prometheus’ Viral Clip Shows Noomi Rapace Begging Assistance From Weyland Industries

New ‘Prometheus’ Viral Clip Shows Noomi Rapace Begging Assistance From Weyland Industries


Continued here:

Fox has been going all-out with the last couple weeks of promotion for Ridley Scott‘s Prometheus, and as I’ve said before, we’ve hit the point where I’m trying not to watch too much of the new clips and trailers. But this little video, Quiet Eye, is part of the ad campaign Fox is doing with Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : /Film Discovery Date : 16/05/2012 15:49 Number of articles : 2

New ‘Prometheus’ Viral Clip Shows Noomi Rapace Begging Assistance From Weyland Industries