Tag Archives: read-the-polls

Why do women really have sex?

The Pursuit of Sexual Happiness What turns women on has long been an elusive question. The authors of a new book hope that understanding why women have sex in the first place could go a long way toward answering it.

Why do women really have sex?

Michael Moore tells Democrats: ‘Find your spine’ on health care

Sans video camera, filmmaker Michael Moore on Tuesday turned his megaphone on the current health care system and those Blue Dog Democrats he claims are “dogging” the health care debate. Moore, an advocate of a single-payer, government-run health care system, called the current setup “cruel,” and said that two-thirds of Americans support a single-payer system and would punish those Democrats who steer the conversation away from that option. “To the Democrats in Congress,” Moore said, “find your spine.

Originally posted here:
Michael Moore tells Democrats: ‘Find your spine’ on health care